Footer site map as a table menu


Found the solution,
I replaced in one place of the css a "display: none" to "display: block".

As simple as that



You are now listing the siblings of the page with number two,

You'll just need to change the third selector from SM2_ALL (which 'says' that it will list all levels) to SM2_START+1,

And maybe it would be nice to adjust the options tag (number 4) to ALL,

So the code will be:

show_menu2(1, 2, SM2_START+1, SM2_ALL '<li><a href="[url]" class="[class] navlev[level]">[menu_title]</a>', "</li>", '<ul class="ullev[level]">', "</ul>", true, '<ul id="header_menu1" class="menu"><li class="home"><a href="'.WB_URL.'"> </a></li>')

Maybe it's handy to take a look at: (just like crnogorac081 said)

Hope this works for you!


Thanks, it is:

<?php show_menu2(12SM2_ALLSM2_ALL'<li><a href="[url]" class="[class] navlev[level]">[menu_title]</a>'"</li>"'<ul class="ullev[level]">'"</ul>"true'<ul id="header_menu1" class="menu"><li class="home"><a href="'.WB_URL.'"> </a></li>');


Nope. It has something to do whit your show menu code.

Can you paste your show menu code here?


My problem now is how to show all the children all the time (not only when mouse over their father.

I assume it is in thi part of CSS:
/* Show and hide */
#nav1 .menu li:hover ul, #nav1 .menu li a:focus ul, #nav1 .menu li.subMenu ul {display: block;}
#nav1 .menu li ul ul { display: none;}
#nav1 .menu li:hover ul ul, #nav1 .menu li.subMenu ul ul {display: none;}
#nav1 .menu li:hover>ul, #nav1 .menu li li:hover>ul, #nav1 .menu li.subMenu>ul, #nav1 .menu li li.subMenu>ul {display: block;  z-index: 1000;}

What should I do?


Use dropdown menu , get your fountionality through simple CSS, HTML menu format or in JavaScrip.


Web developer


Hallo friends,

I am trying to show in the footer the site map in coulombs as found in many websites.
Something like that:

products    articals   about us
product1    artical1   location
product2    artical2   workers

the childs of each item under it and all showing.

Do you have a solution?
