Argos2 Admin Theme


Thanks for your comments. I will improve all fonts (you can see already the Google Open Sans font for the H2 titles). jQuery is definately on the wishlist, as I mentioned above, but I will focus on the basics first.

I'm no big fan of navigational sidebars in backends, but I may have a look at other CMS's to see if I can copy good ideas. But a sidebar is not on the priority list right now. It's a consistent and modern look & feel what I focus on right now, and improvements of the underlying frontend code if needed. After that some further functional changes may follow, we'll see.
Jurgen Nijhuis
Argos Media
Heiloo, The Netherlands
Please don't request personal support, use the forums!

Tez Oner


QuotePlease don't do it. Every Theme in every CMS has this.

It's an upcoming GUI feature and what's 'wrong' with it... it mean people
is used to it ;) and therefore more friendly for users / which most of them is
experienced with Wordpress and sidebars (hootsuite / facebook).


Tez Oner
Tez | VA-MDS / MMO | communications
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Yes, looks good.  :-)
Quote- Permanent pages overview in left 'sidebar' (page height scrolling div)
Please don't do it. Every Theme in every CMS has this.

Tez Oner

Hey Argos,

looks cool  :-) can I be free to propose some features (been busy a few times with
a backend theme) and maybe you'll have something about it;

- Collapsable sections (jQuery accordion) makes the section-page more tight and clean
- Permanent pages overview in left 'sidebar' (page height scrolling div)
- A less big font for 'pages overview links' (there massive in WB 2.8.4 lol)


Tez Oner
Tez | VA-MDS / MMO | communications
-------------------------------------------- / [url=""][/url]


Hi, I'm working on the new Argos Theme for WB 2.8.4. It's a completely new theme, and functionally based on the default 2.8.4 WB theme. But with completely other visuals, and partly other HTML/CSS. I will get rid of old table based stuff as muchs as possible, and use DIV's instead. Also other improvements whenever I think is needed.

I finished the new header, menu, footer, and general visuals, as well as the admin home page and admin add-ons page. I hope you like it. I based the visual look & feel loosely upon the new "flat" Wordpress admin theme. Maybe we can get some Wordpress users to switch :roll:

I'll try to work each day on the theme, so hopefully it's done somewhere next week. I might make a responsive and/or jquery version after that as well. That would be nice I think. But the first version won't be that fancy. I focus on getting the basics right to begin with.

Jurgen Nijhuis
Argos Media
Heiloo, The Netherlands
Please don't request personal support, use the forums!