

The test with a cheap hosting, still showed the following errors, which we have fixed with the patch 114

  • Missing language flags in Frontend preferences form
  • Added non defined WB_URL placeholder in Frontend preferences form
Note: Once the code has been generated, it is easy to debug. It's not a bug, it's a feature!


To Fix the issue Twig Error with 2.13.1 and more we inform that we create a new Patch

Note: Once the code has been generated, it is easy to debug. It's not a bug, it's a feature!


To Fix the issue Twig Error with 2.13.1 we inform that we create a new Patch

Note: Once the code has been generated, it is easy to debug. It's not a bug, it's a feature!


Hello Bakers,

No content management system and also its modules are to be considered as finished products, which remain forever and ever in their design, coding and appearance. For proper functionality and security, it requires continuous development and enhancements. It is a continuous process that is never completely finished. That's why we have decided, if necessary, to release a patch with all reported problems for the current WebsiteBaker version at regular intervals, which will of course also be included in the upcoming versions.

Details and download can be found in the addon repository.

Installation/update is just as simple as before.

+Recommended way: (fast & safe)
- download the WB Patch ZIP package &
- rename to unzip.php
- upload the WB Patch ZIP package & the unzip.php to the WB root directory (where the config.php is located)
- call the unzip.php in your browser ( (replace with your own domain)
- login in the backend as super-admin (admin with ID 1) and start the upgrade-script via upgrade-link or in the WB-info (i-button)

The WebsiteBaker Team
Note: Once the code has been generated, it is easy to debug. It's not a bug, it's a feature!