Display a Blog menu


How do i change archives month names to my own language?
Now there are all in english, and i want them to be in finnish


Quote from: JohnsonY on November 24, 2008, 12:58:35 AM
The result is my first language display category and history with prefect, but the other 1 will have bug on the history it show the history is December 1969 ....
December 1969 looks like an empty posted_when field. (where the data and time is stored)
Looking at the posts itself, do you see strange dates?
Try re-saving the posts on page_id 8. (it should set the posted_when date to today)
If you are using WB2.7, try display_blog_menu(8,1);. The ,1 tells this snippet to use the published_when date. This is the date you can enter in the backend to tell when an item may be shown.

Quoteand the post count # also count with the first language post too
I have no idea what you mean by this. Could you explain this better?

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so, you want to have the menu displayed only if the page id is checked and rendered correctly?

Is "PAGE_ID" the right reference? Is this as it is in the database?



Hi thanks for the great add-on but I just getting a "bug" with this add-on.

I have setup with 2 languages on the WebsiteBaker. Then I use the following code to display 2 blogs selection with different language. The code is like

<?php if (PAGE_ID != 7) { } else { 
display_blog_menu(7); }?>

<?php if (PAGE_ID != 8) { } else { 
display_blog_menu(8); }?>

The result is my first language display category and history with prefect, but the other 1 will have bug on the history it show the history is December 1969 and the post count # also count with the first language post too. is there any fix? or I did the wrong code


Hi Ruud,

thank you for your reply.
Actually, my commenting footer is empty, as all the fields in this section of the settings are empty. I must have deleted the contents earlier, stupid me...  :?

I guess I have to re-install the module in this case. And if so, where do I get the module singulary? Or could you give me the field's contents?

EDIT: I installed a new WB on my local server and copied the missing code. Thank you, Ruud, for getting me onto the right track!

Best regards,


What is in your (news) settings page set as comment-footer?
Code (Should be something like this) Select
<br /><a href="[ADD_COMMENT_URL]">Commentaar toevoegen</a>

It should at least display the "add comment" link. (can we look somewhere?)

I am using the same view.php without problems (example: http://websitebaker.allwww.nl/wb/posts/je-laatste-blog-post-op-de-homepage20.php)

It isn't a blogmenu issue. That one is just displaying links.
It must be something in your news settings.

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Hi Ton,

I just tried your view.php and still have the same result. At the article's end is only displayed: No comments yet (it actually says "Keine gefunden", since the site is in German).

I really wonder what the cause for my problem might be and would be great if you guys here in the forum could help me further.

These are my settings so far:
- Public commenting enabled for news in news options
- public commenting enabled in specific article
- blog menu in version 0.2 (is there a newer one perhaps?)
- modules/news/view.php as posted above by Ton
- the whole thing under WB 2.7 on a standard *nix web server

I really need the commenting function, thus any further help is very welcome.



Hi Ton,

never mind, I didn't see the attachment in your earlier post. I'll try it and report.

Thanks for your help,
have a nice day,


@spida: I don't understand what you mean  :?


@Ton: I mean: Where do I find YOUR version of the view.php? Is it included in the current news module?





@Ruud: Perfect! This works! Thank you so much, Ruud.

@Ton: the current news module in the addons directory?



The ?g=3?g=3 is not in the view.php but in the table settings in the backend of WB.
The breadcrumb links are being built from the original link. but when called from a "group link" it will include the group parameter too.

In the post header (settings button of newspage) the links are built using:
<td valign="top"><a href="[BACK]">[PAGE_TITLE]</a> >> <a href="[BACK]?g=[GROUP_ID]">[GROUP_TITLE]</a></td>

The [back] link will have the g= parameter (what is not right) and so the second level [back] will have two of them.

Change that line in:
<td valign="top"><a href="/pages/artikel.php">[PAGE_TITLE]</a> >> <a href="/pages/artikel.php?g=[GROUP_ID]">[GROUP_TITLE]</a></td>

And it is fixed.
Note: I used /pages/artikel.php in this example because that was in the "problem" page that spida reported. For other site, use whatever link is your news/blog page.

That will fix it.

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Hi spida,
you can look at (or use) my version of the view.php (in the news module).


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Hi Ton,

thank your for your advice.
I checked the views.php now but can't figure out what to change. Could you post your changes, please? That would be very helpful.

Best regards,


I changed the view.php of the news module directory.



Hi Ton,

thank your for your reply!
Which view.php did you change (meaning: in which directory)?

Eki is probably too busy with his new baby, changing diapers and all  :-D



Hi spida,
about the first problem you mentioned, I manually changed my view.php (WB 2.7) and all works well (including the commenting).
The second problem you've got, I also noticed. It's no problem to me for the moment, but it needs to be fixed. Maybe Eki can respond to it (??).



Hi there,

this looks a bit like a monologue, but I am still completely stuck, please see my posts earlier about my basic problem.

It might be a very busy time for everybody (as is for me), but I really need your help, pleeeeease.

best regards,


Hello there!

No ideas regarding my two problems? At least the commenting thing seems to be solvable, I am sure I just need a hint on what I am doing wrong.



Hi there,

I think I also discovered a little bug in the module. If you watch an article of a specific group, you'll find a little navigation at the page's top, directing you to the group's overview or to the general article overview. Let's say you want to navigate back to the group's overview, and klick the link. Instead of getting there, you are redirected to the general article overview.

For those not afraid of a German language  ;-) you'll find an example here: http://www.e-daktik.de/pages/posts/erst-mal-kennenlernen4.php?g=6
Klick on "Konzeption" and instead of getting the list of articles in this group, you'll get a list of all articles.

The reason is the wrong URL wich is generated by a script (question is: by which one). The link in my example is http://www.e-daktik.de/pages/artikel.php?g=6?g=6 but ist should be http://www.e-daktik.de/pages/artikel.php?g=6

Where in the module does this needs to be corrected?

I hope I made myself clear, otherwise I will try another explanation, just ask.

Best regards,



I have exchanged the views.php. However, there is no possibility to comment an article.
Configuration is as follows:

  • public commenting for article is activated
  • public commenting for news is activated in news-options
  • captcha is activated in options

Since the manual says that
QuoteChanging this setting only affects future articles – it will not change the Commenting setting in existing articles!
I entered a new article. No commenting option still. There's only a line beneath the article saying:
QuoteNone found
(I guess this means: No comments on this article found).

There, I am lost. Could you please help me? I must have missed something.

EDIT: I am also not sure wich views.php this is exactly. I have tried both, exchanging the views.php in the directory modules/news as well the news-view.php in the directory modules/blog_menu. The same results either way, as described above.

Best regards,


Did you use the adapted view.php in 2 posts above?

If so, what exactly is the problem? Maybe I can help.

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Hi there,

I am still looking for a possibility to use the commenting function again. There's a little money on the hand to finance the module work-over. Please mail or just post here.



Quote from: Ruud on October 02, 2008, 05:17:15 PM
Works great - running on WB2.7.

Ok, now I'm feeling a bit guilty a lot.  :oops:
The month selection did not work on a WB2.7 site.

My guilty feeling made me fix the problem and adapt the current news/view.php so it will work with the blog_menu snippet.

Just replace the view.php in the zip in this message with the original news module view.php.
(don't forget to backup the original one)

Now it should work correctly in WB27


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