Bakery: Small Shop Module (ORIGINAL TOPIC)


I cannot add Item to shop:
Error creating access file in the /pages directory (insufficient privileges)

WB Version 2.7
Bakery 1.0


Hello, I will translate bakery to czech language - pleasa if you know about someone who made this STOP me pleas!
on email
Thank YOU


thanks for letting me know. We might implement these features ourself then if the client is willing to pay for it.


Hi Gilly

Bakery features:
If a feature is not listed, it's not implemented!

Quote from: gilly on April 28, 2009, 04:33:28 AM
1. Is it possible to link to Australia Post tables for postage based on weight and location?
No, not possible by default.

Quote from: gilly on April 28, 2009, 04:33:28 AM
2. Can it easily be modified to allow for all the following payment options (some of these are not currently listed in the default choices) - Paypal, Direct Deposit, Cheque, Money Order, Cash when picked up
Not yet.

Quote from: gilly on April 28, 2009, 04:33:28 AM
3. Can the currency the customer wants to use be shown? (as in have the prices in the backend in one currency, but the front end is able to display these prices in multiple currencies based on a user selection?
No, 1 currency only.

Regards Christoph


Just have a couple of questions about this module:

1. Is it possible to link to Australia Post tables for postage based on weight and location?
2. Can it easily be modified to allow for all the following payment options (some of these are not currently listed in the default choices) - Paypal, Direct Deposit, Cheque, Money Order, Cash when picked up
3. Can the currency the customer wants to use be shown? (as in have the prices in the backend in one currency, but the front end is able to display these prices in multiple currencies based on a user selection?


OOps! Sorry, I forgot to remove the first message - I just thought more people might see it in the second topic.  Never mind I'll leave it as it is for now. :oops:


@peterrodger: Doubleposting does not bring you any further. I removed you identical double post.




I've created a Bakery shop and implemented it successfully on a client's web site.  They are very impressed with it and have asked if I can find a way that they can additionally sell downloadable documents through the shop. 

The shop currently will sell books on a traditional basis - ie a buyer does the online transaction and when payment is received via PayPal or cheque, the book is posted out. But they also have a number of PDF files which are research documents (it's a local history society) and are sold at a lower price, (less than 50pence)  which in turn makes the postage cost higher than the item cost.  To avoid this I'd like to be able to make them downloadable after a payment has been made.

Has anybody had any experience of this?  I guess that what Im looking for is some sort of integration between "download gallery" and Bakery"

Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcome thanks.



Thank you. It is quite impressive. Turns out for my simple usethe Catalog Module in fine but wow, Bakery has really grown. Congrats. 


Please see the Bakery Website for all features of Bakery.


Hello. I have seen this module for some time but didn't have a use. Now I have a need but not sure if it is what I need. I have a few different affiliate relationships where I sell 5-10 items each. Some use shareit for payment, some use paypal and some use payloadz. I was wondering if I could list them in one store and then when they go to pay it would use the link to the respective service. I would note next to each what service it uses, just looking for a way to organize these various items.


Hi terrajohn

Quote from: terrajohn on March 25, 2009, 09:22:26 PM
Only one thing with anyitems - it seems I cannot get the columns ok. If I set the number of columns to more then 1 (as explained on the site - (number_of_coloms = number of coloms to display (1 = vertical, >1 = horizontal)) it seems that it only uses one column - all items are represented in a single column.
Anyitems uses your template of the (page/)section you are passing to the function display_any_items(). As far as I could figure out on your webpage you are using divs. Bakery needs a table otherwise it cannot generate any columns! Use the different html template of anyitems by uncommenting some lines in the include.php file (please see file for further informations!).

Regards Christoph


Once again many thanks.
This all seems to work.

Only one thing with anyitems - it seems I cannot get the columns ok. If I set the number of columns to more then 1 (as explained on the site - (number_of_coloms = number of coloms to display (1 = vertical, >1 = horizontal)) it seems that it only uses one column - all items are represented in a single column.


Quote from: terrajohn on March 25, 2009, 09:38:31 AM
1. Is there a way that I can change the link within the [THUMB] option at the loop page. I would like to use lightbox for displaying a larger image at the loop page when clicking the thumb. In order to do that, bakery has to provide the url to the full picture file (and not to the product php page). Is there a way to do this?
Try to modify and use the anyitems snippet by not specifying a section in the SQL query.
This post might be helpful too:,7930.msg81347.html#msg81347

Quote from: terrajohn on March 25, 2009, 09:38:31 AM
2. Currently I had to create different bakery sections over different product pages eg. a bakery section in productpage 1 and a bakery section in productpage 2 (it is not my idea - but they asked me to do so).
Is there a way that I can combine all these different bakery sections also in an additional overall catalogue/webshop page... (and not to create all new ones or to duplicate every item?
URLs to the Bakery item thumb, eg:
URLs to the Bakery item image, eg:
=> where 22 is the item id.

In your template use an image url like:[ITEM_ID].jpg

Regards Christoph


@Freesbee - thanks for your reply - I will try to this.

Just two more questions.

1. Is there a way that I can change the link within the [THUMB] option at the loop page. I would like to use lightbox for displaying a larger image at the loop page when clicking the thumb. In order to do that, bakery has to provide the url to the full picture file (and not to the product php page). Is there a way to do this?

2. Currently I had to create different bakery sections over different product pages eg. a bakery section in productpage 1 and a bakery section in productpage 2 (it is not my idea - but they asked me to do so).
Is there a way that I can combine all these different bakery sections also in an additional overall catalogue/webshop page... (and not to create all new ones or to duplicate every item?


Hi Terrajohn
Quote from: terrajohn on March 24, 2009, 05:09:53 PM
Is there a way that I could clone a page (using page cloner or so) to copy a page on my UK section to my Dutch section. When I try to do so - only the bakery section as such is copied - but no data or page settings etc... Is this still possible? Otherwise I have to duplicate each item individual (which is a lot of effort)
Try this: Use a DB tool like phpMyadmin to export the UK items table and import it to the NL table.

Quote from: terrajohn on March 24, 2009, 05:09:53 PM
Second question - currently my overview page (with the list of all the products) is a second section of my page (first is a WYSIWYG section). When clicking an item for a more detailed overview - I noticed that bakery does this within the same section on the same page (which means that the content of section 1 WYSIWYG-section - remains there). This text is not in line with the product detail. Is there a way that the product detail opens in a new page with only bakery as a section?
This might be a workaround:
Copy the HTML code of what you have in the WYSIWYG editor into Bakery > Page Settings > Layout Settings > Page Header, then deactivate the WYSIWYG section.

Regards Christoph


I do think this is a bakery issue - I have been going through all the threads and noticed that multilangual is not immediately supported (only if you install a new module under a new name) and that you can duplicate items (which is indeed handy).

Is there a way that I could clone a page (using page cloner or so) to copy a page on my UK section to my Dutch section. When I try to do so - only the bakery section as such is copied - but no data or page settings etc... Is this still possible? Otherwise I have to duplicate each item individual (which is a lot of effort)

Second question - currently my overview page (with the list of all the products) is a second section of my page (first is a WYSIWYG section). When clicking an item for a more detailed overview - I noticed that bakery does this within the same section on the same page (which means that the content of section 1 WYSIWYG-section - remains there). This text is not in line with the product detail. Is there a way that the product detail opens in a new page with only bakery as a section?

Thanks in advance


ok - my mistake - sorry. But I'm rather new on this.
Thanks for the tip although - it worked.
The strange thing was that it only occurred in the global view and not on the item view (therefore I thought it was maybe a bakery issue).


This is not a Bakery issue. It has to do with your html template!
(Hint: Do not use align="left" for the upper table => wb_section_153)

Regards Christoph


I don't know I'm in the right topic - but I'm using bakery as a kind of catalogue for my products. It seems that when having a WYSIWYG section and a bakery section on one page - the overview does not fit within the template. When clicking on the item - to see a detail - this detail is showed in a correct way.


What is wong - do I need to introduce new wrappers? Can I change the existing ones (it seems they are not in the CSS sheet)?

Can anyone help?


Thanks. That helped a lot. The wrong charset can be ignored. I found a post saying thing go wrong if I do not use ISO... (I used UTF-8). Changed it to ISO. However, I do nto understand why there are problems if I use UTF-8 as it works everywhere else...



Hi Mercator

Quote from: mercator on March 16, 2009, 08:55:44 AM
- Is it possible to get rid of the "Terms and Conditions"/"AGB" for the user to tick in case there is, e.g., no link defined in the general settings?
Do so by modifying the view_summary.php file:
<td height="40" colspan="5" align="right" valign="bottom"><input type="checkbox" name="agree" id="agree" value="yes" />&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="<?PHP echo $setting_tac_url ?>" target="_blank"><?PHP echo $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_AGREE']." ".$setting_shop_name ?> </a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="final" class="mod_bakery_bt_order_f" value="<?PHP echo $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SUBMIT_ORDER'] ?>" onclick="return checkTaC()" /></td>
...and change to:
<input type="submit" name="final" class="mod_bakery_bt_order_f" value="<?PHP echo $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SUBMIT_ORDER'] ?>" /></td>

Quote from: mercator on March 16, 2009, 08:55:44 AM
- I only have one shipping/payment option. Would it be possible to remove step 3 of the payment process?
- I have stock items I cannot backorder. Is it possible: If there are X items in stock and the users orders more than that, put just the X items in the basket and tell the user?
Wait for the next version for this features will be implemented.

Quote from: mercator on March 16, 2009, 08:55:44 AM
- Is there a way of chaning the mesage the user gets upon completion of the shopping tour (the one that says we have just sent him/her a mail)? I mean, chaning on a "per shop" basis?
Modify all language strings in the /bakery/languages/DE.php file for German or EN.php file for English strings.

Quote from: mercator on March 16, 2009, 08:55:44 AM
- Is there a reason I do not get the German Umlaute right: I get "Zürich" instead of Zürich (and I get it right everywhere else in my WB installation)
Wrong charset. PM me a link to the shop so I can check.

Regards Christoph


Hi Folks,

This is just a great module! I love it. I have a couple of questions/suggestions:

- Is it possible to get rid of the "Terms and Conditions"/"AGB" for the user to tick in case there is, e.g., no link defined in the general settings?
- I only have one shipping/payment option. Would it be possible to remove step 3 of the payment process?
- Is there a way of chaning the mesage the user gets upon completion of the shopping tour (the one that says we have just sent him/her a mail)? I mean, chaning on a "per shop" basis?
- I have stock items I cannot backorder. Is it possible: If there are X items in stock and the users orders more than that, put just the X items in the basket and tell the user?
- Is it possible NOT to display items that are out of stock?
- Is there a reason I do not get the German Umlaute right: I get "Zürich" instead of Zürich (and I get it right everywhere else in my WB installation)

Thanks for your help,


QuoteHi edodi
It is possible but you need basic knowledge of PHP.
Alter the $cust_info and $length arrays in the show_form.php files.
Furthermore you have to make some modifications in the view_summary.php file to omit notices like "Undefined offset" or "Undefined index"...

i'm not an expert in php, but i know some. i thougt maybe someone did it allready or something similer
because it's to complicate for me.
i looked allready in those files,
so thanks again.
i will try to play with it...



Quote from: edodi on February 21, 2009, 12:54:35 AM
i just need the fields of the: Name, Last name, Mail, and maybe a phone.
Hi edodi
It is possible but you need basic knowledge of PHP.
Alter the $cust_info and $length arrays in the show_form.php files.
Furthermore you have to make some modifications in the view_summary.php file to omit notices like "Undefined offset" or "Undefined index"...


Quote from: jollylama on February 23, 2009, 01:44:52 AM
can i somehow add a text field that will go along with the order on purchase?
hope this makes sense..
Hi jollylama
Yes, it makes sense. But Bakery does not come with the feature you require. You can implement it yourself but you need basic knowledge of PHP!

Regards Christoph