Menu link as home page



Quoteit seems that the code which handles intro pages assumes that the destination page will be in a /pages directory

du musst die intro.php natürlich per ftp ins /pages Verzeichnis laden, nirgendwo sonst hin.




create a intro.php (locally on your computer) with the following content:
// redirect to English introduction page

Upload it via FTP and check if it works.

Regards Christian


Quote from: doc on January 11, 2008, 10:08:21 AM
activate the intro page feautre via the WB backend. Then upload a page called intro.php which contains a PHP redirection to whatever page you want and try again. Search the forum for the PHP redirection code.

Thanks, I tried that - however, it seems that the code which handles intro pages assumes that the destination page will be in a /pages directory (it looks for for /pages/intro.php), whereas I'm not using one. But I could be wrong about this.

I guess I could just create /pages/into.php, but it seems like a messy solution.




activate the intro page feautre via the WB backend. Then upload a page called intro.php which contains a PHP redirection to whatever page you want and try again. Search the forum for the PHP redirection code.

Regards Christian


It seems that WB doesn't like it if the first page in its structure is a menu link page, rather than a WB page.

For the home page of a site, I need to use a page which isn't actually in WB. It's a WordPress page, though the WordPress page does in fact call up WB's menus - it calls up config.php, framework/class.frontend.php and so on.

Instead, WB displays some sort of intro page with a message saying "To see the site click here".