Ok now, let me tell you my solution to this ownership-problem. I think the "reload, uninstall, reinstall" solution sucks and is far too time-consuming. My way is much better! :)
This assumes you know how to use PHPMyAdmin, because we are going to fool the database a little.
Install WB just like you normally would.
In the templates directory, CREATE YOUR OWN subdirectory (let's call it mytemplate for now) and upload the files of your template. Pay attention now: this way YOU are the owner of the files and you can change them as much as you want!
Of course, in WB's adminpanels, you will not see this template, since it was not installed as you normally would.
This is where we go into PHPMyAdmin.
Select your database, and the table wb_addons
Safest thing to do now, is to alter an existing entry. Let's look for the entry of the type template and name name: blank
Let's EDIT that one! Yeeeeeeeah! :)
Change the field "directory" into mytemplate (remember we choose that name? :) )
Change the field "name" into anything you want.
The rest of the fields can remain the same. Edit the description if you feel like it :)
Well that's all! Now your WB installation "knows" there is a template in the directory mytemplate, and YOU own the files in that directory, so YOU can now easily change, overwrite and delete them from your favourite FTP client.
Isn't that great? Yes it is.
Ok now, from here you're on your own. I think I can't explain this any better than I have, just follow my instructions and it will work. Period. If it doesn't, you're not doing what I tell you. Easy as that :-)
Hey, your solution sounds well.
But what if I choose to use more than on template?
And is it possible to modify the template via the "template edit" tool?
If not this solution might become a delusion very quick.
On the other hand if yes, it would be a great modification for in the most cases only one template is used.
and the easiest way without the need of any inkompatible database changes is:
Upload the template in templates directory and activate it with reload.
Thats all!
- Can be edited from FTP
- can be edited from WB backend with Template Edit (if permissions are set ok)
- Can be used in WB as all other templates
- is kompatible to upgrades ....
So tell me one reason why i should go your way?
Quote from: ruebenwurzel on February 26, 2008, 06:30:23 PM
and the easiest way without the need of any inkompatible database changes is:
Nonsense. Your database is NOT incompatible after you changed it like I did.
- Can be edited from FTP
- can be edited from WB backend with Template Edit (if permissions are set ok)
- Can be used in WB as all other templates
- is kompatible to upgrades ....
All that counts for my solution too.
So tell me one reason why i should go your way?
Did I say you should? Do whatever you like best. I think my way is the easiest. No need to install, uninstall, upload and re-activate. Just upload, edit the table and you're done.
(Not responding anymore, every time someone comes up with a good solution to a problem, there's always a smartass who knows better. Just trying to be helpful here.)
Quote from: Stefek on February 26, 2008, 06:25:50 PM
Hey, your solution sounds well.
But what if I choose to use more than on template?
You can add hundreds of templates this way if you like. The WB setup is aware of the templates just as if you installed them through the admin panel. The only difference is: You're the OWNER. As you should be. Major flaw of WB, in my opinion.
@Amateur: you didn't answer my question.
And open up your eyes. You new here, so you shoudn't mix the smartasses with the bigaces. :-D
Your Help and Contribution is of course wanted.
With the way i told you you have to do the following:
Upload with ftp, login into WB admin and activate it with the reload tools.
With the way you wrote one needs to do the following:
Upload with ftp, login to phpmyadmin, overwrite an existing template, store the database, leave phpmyadmin, login to WB
So again why should this be easier for a bader result? In the way i wrote all templates can be used, in yourr way, the overwritten template isn't avaiable.
WB is one of the easiest to use CMS. It seems to easy for you as you look for difficult solutions :-D.
Have you ever tried what i wrote? I think no. Otherwise you will have recognized that what i wrote is not the badest thing.
Quote from: Stefek on February 26, 2008, 07:30:34 PM
@Amateur: you didn't answer my question.
And open up your eyes. You new here, so you shoudn't mix the smartasses with the bigaces. :-D
I answered your questions. The templates are there just as if you installed them "the proper way".
I may be new
here, but don't assume that I'm a newbie when it comes to CMS, PHP, MySQL and/or website building ;)
And Rueben, I will sure give your suggestion a try too. Don't worry ;)
Quote from: Amateur on February 26, 2008, 09:49:31 PM
I may be new here, but don't assume that I'm a newbie when it comes to CMS, PHP, MySQL and/or website building ;)
I won't do that.
What I meant as I told yuo, you're new here is, you better schow out whom you're callin' smartass.
Rueben is keepin' pretty kind, but what you don't know, he is - almost - running this forums by himself and is one of the most active contributors.
So please show some more manners ;-)
We are using here a opensource Product - why sholdn't be a little more thankfull for the job which is done and time being invested?
Best Regards,
Quote from: Stefek on February 26, 2008, 10:56:29 PM
We are using here a opensource Product - why sholdn't be a little more thankfull for the job which is done and time being invested?
Hey, I am not the one who immediately killed off my suggestion, asking "why he should use my suggestion".
It was YOU who said any contribution was welcome. Not Rueben,.
It was Rueben who questioned my method, making false claims about "incompatible databases" (which is nonsense, nothing incompatible here), and obviously without thinking through what I suggested.
So who needs to show some more manners? With the attitude of Rueben, people will think twice before taking the time to write quite extensively ( as I may say so myself ) about a work-around that they figured out. And THAT is why I call him a smartass. And I still stand by that qualification.
But OK, I get it, this is again one of those forums where you should shut up as long as the incrowd is talking. I still claim that my suggestion works, is valid, is compatible with the way WB works, and if you don't like it: leave it. I'll be gone now.
Quote from: ruebenwurzel on February 26, 2008, 07:46:29 PM
With the way i told you you have to do the following:
Upload with ftp, login into WB admin and activate it with the reload tools.
With the way you wrote one needs to do the following:
Upload with ftp, login to phpmyadmin, overwrite an existing template, store the database, leave phpmyadmin, login to WB...
... and you should read his first answer again. Can't see any attack!
He just was straight, I see.
So keep on bakin'
Please calm down Amateur. Always keep in mind: It's not what you say but how you say it.
Calling somebody smartass who is working weeks and weeks for something that is for free, without any personal benefits is absolutely not the way of communicating with each other. If you aren't familiar with the English language (like many people here are), then use your mother tongue or a dictionary.
But I cannot tolerate the using of such swearwords and I will do everything I can to stop people from investigating this OpenSource project with the goal to destroy it. OpenSource projects are standing or falling by it's community - and the way the community is communicating.
Sorry for being so directly, please don't feel bothered too much from a single person which thinks he knows it all.
Regards Michael
Quote from: Waldschwein on February 27, 2008, 12:44:00 AM
...and I will do everything I can to stop people from investigating this OpenSource project with the goal to destroy it. ...
I was trying to HELP here. Ah forget it. Delete my account pls.
Amateur, your reaction to Rueben is very out of place. Even without taking into account that Rueben is indeed one of the leading persons behind WB, and really deserves a lot of credit, he did nothing that deserves such a rude reaction by you.
Apparently you feel attacked by the fact that he says there is already another method to the ownership 'problem', one that is indeed much easier. So his question "why should I use your method" is perfectly valid and completely neutral. The only thing he asked is to tell us why your method (which is more complex) might be better. I really don't understand why you feel attacked by this. I don't know where you come from, and maybe it sounded unfriendly in your opinion, but be assured it is not meant that way. Even after your harsh reaction, Rueben stayed callm and informative, which I really admire.
We very welcome any contribution to this forum, and that goes for your workaround as well. But the fact is that many if not most people will find the existing method of just uploading a template and use the reload function much easier, than your method which involves database manipulation and more actions to do. There is no reason why you should be upset about that, and call one of the leading contributors to WB a smartass.