ShowMenu2 BreadCrumbs (all) question


These are not items of WebsiteBaker but questions of css-styling.
Please search for css pages or take a look  here




Thank you erpe!
It works!

I have to correct only same details...

1) The color and the underline didn't chage.
I think it dipends by same gneral setting about the "link": all the link in the page are viewed in a standard way: underlined and blu (violet after first click).
Do you know if there il same solution to change this setting?

2) There in no space left...but I cannot use padding-left becouse the word have a background that i don't want to move.
Basically I need to move only text, withot the background.
How can I do it?

Thank you very much!



What about your css-file?
Add a #breadcrumb in the css-file and surround your sm2 code in the index.php by
<div id="breadcrumb"></div>
and then try to make it fit your needs.




Sorry for my english, I hope you understand...
I tried to use for the first time BreadCrumbs in SM2 module.
It is very good, but I'd like to make same change...

I want to delete "You are here" and I want to change fonti, size, color, etc...

Can you help me?

I don't know what part of code I have to change, so, this is the original:

show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT, SM2_CURR, SM2_CRUMB, '<span class="[class]"> > [a][menu_title]</a>', '</span>', '', '', '<b>You are here:</b> <span class="[class]">[a][menu_title]</a>');

Can you write me I has to write the code if I want it:
- Font: Verdana
- Size: Small
- Colore: 525252
- Delete underline
- Start after 10px from margin left (or better: in the same position where start the oginal "You are here")
- Delete "You are here".

If I see how you modify it, next time I will do it without help (I hope!).

Thanks for your support!
