wrong link for menu entry 'home'


Yes, like this.

WB uses the very first page in list as home. So You are able to change the startpage as You like. If You create a page called home somewhere - You can reach it by clicking the menu-button. But if this page isn´t the first in the (Admin-Area/pages) list, it isn´t the start-page if You call Your domain.



thx for your hint, Matthias.
But 'homepage redirection' is deactivated.
I also tried deleting the home site and recreating it, but no success.

Should i have created the home site and added it first to the main menu as very first page? and only after creating the other sites move the home site to the top menu?



it seems that you have activated "homepage redirection" in the wb settings. Deactivate it.



My WebsiteBaker is running on domain.com/wb
I have WB 2.7.0, showmenu2 4.7, fckeditor 2.87 running on an apache webserver, OS is linux (maybe freebsd).
My template has two menus: on the left side the main menu [called with showmenu2(1)], on the top right side the top menu [called with showmenu2(2)].
My created page 'home' is located in the top menu.

Normally the 'home' has the link domain.com/wb
Mine, however has for some reason the link domain.com/wb/pages/home.php instead.

Therefore, when you visit domain.com/wb you only see an empty content area instead of the content of the 'home' site.

How can i change the link for menu entry 'home' from /wb/pages/home.php to only /wb ?

Thank you for you help.