Multiflex dropdown menus


the last item in the topmenu don't should have childs!

(make two or tree menuitems/pages first level - then make for the second or third childs then dropdown should work)

then it works - this is a little bug of this menu!

regards martin


As usual I'm missing something - Multiplex-3 should provide drop down menus "straight out of the box?" I have show_menu2 installed, multiple menus enabled (though I suspect that has nothing to do with either of those) but cannot get the drop downs working at all. Can't figure out what, if anything, I must change in index.php or info.php to remedy this - please help!


Has anyone worked out a fix for the last dropdown menu item (sub item) issues?

I currently have a single level menu item for the last one on the list. But I know I will forget in future and add sub menu items and will break it...

Remember, experience is what you get when you don't get what you want...



again Multiflex 3  :-D.  Always the same.

-Make dropdown working bring errors in W3C
-Make dropdwon W3C compatible it doesn't work in IE 6 and lower (see here)

So it is your decision wich dead you want die.



it works perfect.... but the W3C find some warnigs&errors....on a site made with the multiflex...and this is caused by the dropdown...

mfg martin


Hello Martin,

Thanks for confirming that the dropdown menu is working properly, however;  I'm not sure what you meant when you said, "the menu is not valide".




hi ken,
no this is not by design - this is how the dropdown work even in the 5.5 IE without an .js.... but the other side is that the menu is not valide and the thing with the last (right) menupoint can only stand alone...;)

regards martin


Another discovery:

I was able to get dropdown menus from the main menu, but they work only up to the second-to-last right-hand menu item (no dropdown on the furthest right menu item). Is this by design?



I'm using Multiflex-3 and am unable to get dropdown menu items on the top horizontal menu. 'Extra menu' items appear normally in the left-hand menu, but Top Menu items do not.

Any suggestions?



Edit: OK - I just discovered that the 'Top' menu is not the same as the Main Menu (horizontal menu). I tried with a clean install of WB and Multiflex, but still can't get the dropdown on the main menu. Is there something I need to modify?