french translation updated for WB 2.8


QuoteGood. You can now submit the file to trunk then.

already done, tks for the good job

Note: Once the code has been generated, it is easy to debug. It's not a bug, it's a feature!


Quote from: Luisehahne on September 18, 2009, 07:32:43 PMBut now it_'s no problem, because you coded the 3 last lines.

Good. You can now submit the file to trunk then.

Quote from: Luisehahne on September 18, 2009, 07:32:43 PMPls download your attached file and have a look, the new one too is broken in line 599

The strange thing is that the last 3 lines from my previous post come from the uploaded file one the first post. I downloaded it and it was exactly similar to the file I have on my computer.

I think that you might have a problem on your side (editor problem, internet access problem ? I don't know) because I don't have any problem and I get the complete file when downloading.


QuoteI don't understand what you're talking about.

Pls download your attached file and have a look, the new one too is broken in line 599

Quote$MESSAGE['ADDON']['MANUAL_INSTALLATION'] = 'Quand les extensions sont upload&eacute;s via ftp (ce qui n&apos;est pas recommand&eacute;), les fichiers d&apos;installation du module <tt>install.php</tt>, <tt>up

But now it_'s no problem, because you coded the 3 last lines.

Note: Once the code has been generated, it is easy to debug. It's not a bug, it's a feature!


I don't understand what you're talking about.

My file is ok, line 599 is complete, line 600 exists, and the file ends correctly (and all unicode is in html entities).

Here is the end of the file :

$MESSAGE['ADDON']['PRECHECK_FAILED'] = 'Echec de l&apos;installation de l&apos;extension. Votre syst&egrave;me ne respecte pas les pr&eacute;-requis de cette extension. Pour la faire fonctionner, merci de solutionner les erreurs list&eacute;es ci-dessous.';
$MESSAGE['ADDON']['MANUAL_INSTALLATION'] = 'Quand les extensions sont upload&eacute;s via ftp (ce qui n&apos;est pas recommand&eacute;), les fichiers d&apos;installation du module <tt>install.php</tt>, <tt>upgrade.php</tt> ou <tt>uninstall.php</tt> ne seront pas ex&eacute;cut&eacute;s automatiquement. Ces modules peuvent ne pas fonctionner ou ne pas se d&eacute;sinstaller correctement.<br /><br />Vous pouvez ex&eacute;cuter les fichiers d&apos;extension manuellement pour les extensions upload&eacute;es via ftp ci-dessous.';
$MESSAGE['ADDON']['MANUAL_INSTALLATION_WARNING'] = 'Attention: les donn&eacute;es de la base de donn&eacute;es de l&apos;extension existante vont &ecirc;tre perdues. Utilisez cette option si vous rencontrez des probl&egrave;mes avec des modules upload&eacute;s via ftp.';


I do attach the file again.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


Thanks for your efforts Ploc. This will surely be helpful for French users.
I hope they can include it in the next update.


I just start a merge, Row 599 is not finished and row 600 is missing completly.

Note: Once the code has been generated, it is easy to debug. It's not a bug, it's a feature!


Hallo Ploc,

pls can you check your file, the old one has 600 rows, and yours 599 and is not finished. Pls don't forget to change unicode to HTML entities like &apos;

Many tks in advance for your work. Waiting for reply and correction Then we uploaded it to svn

Note: Once the code has been generated, it is easy to debug. It's not a bug, it's a feature!


I hope so. Last time, for a 2.6.x or 2.7.x release, my french translation had not been commited to svn and I had to do it again !

Then, I hope you're right !

Dev team : let me know when you commit my french language file to svn, thanks !



Thanks for your efforts, I think the Developer Team will review und update all posted language / translation updates before releasing the next WB version (I think 2.8.1 it will be).

Yours Michael


Anyone has read this post and updated svn with the last version of french language file ?


I've updated french translation for WB 2.8.

- I've added new strings of WB 2.8.
- I've updated some misspelled strings from previous releases which can result in ununderstanding.

Please tell me when this translation is added to the official repository.

Note : FR.php has been renamed to FR.txt due to forum restrictions.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]