Fckeditor templates or plugins/extension?


I asked it in 'Off Topic' because I will be using it in Mura - but knowing how to do this in Fckeditor (including WB) will be useful. :)


QuoteMura ColdFusion CMS.

just a question....you want this do with website baker or with mura &*§ CMS?   :-)

regards martin


Hi. I am wondering if anyone with fckeditor customization experience can help me.

I am using this basic code to embed pdf's in the Mura ColdFusion CMS.

< object width="100%" height="100%" type="application/pdf" data="path_to/my.pdf#pagemode=bookmarks&amp;scrollbar=1&amp;toolbar=1&amp;statusbar=1&amp;messages=1&amp;navpanes=1" style="margin: 40px 0px 0px;">
<p>It appears your Web browser is not configured to display PDF files.  No worries, just click here to download the PDF file.click here to download the PDF file <a href="path_to/my.pdf">click here to download the PDF file.</a></p>
</ object>

It works fine but I will be adding many pdf's and so will some less technical users. I don't want them to have to edit the source code. I'm not a programmer so haven't been able to navigate ColdFusion and Mura api to solve it. I've been tinkering with the built in class extension editor but I just don't know enough.

I saw that Fckeditor has templates and am wondering if this could be converted into a template and the paths inserted dynamically be the users?

Otherwise I know that images allow right click access to properties - is there any pdf extension for fckeditor that will allow clicking on the object symbol in the wysiwyg window and picking the pdf file and assign the path? I read a bunch of stuff today but was more confused than when I started.