Multiflex 3


Is this a web site that you inherited? If so, you should try to get FTP access to this so that you have full access to all files and can make changes as necessary. There are tools that allow modification of server files (such as the one mentioned above) but you really should have access to all files if you are now in charge of maintaining this site.


As I said, follow this path: root/templates/multiplex 3/index.php and open index.php

then follow the rest of my replay :)

Web developer



But no joy, [probably because I have no idea what I am doing].

I can get the source code for the page from the browser [under view] and I can find the parts stated in the first reply but I can't change them.

I am really sorry for my stupidity.


You can use this one to edit the files:
Addon File Editor




Thanks for the reply.

I've discovered the template is a variation of multiflex3.
Unfortunately I don't have the index files etc.
I only have what's been loaded to the website baker admin bit.
Does that make sense?

Is there any other way to do this?

Sorry for the hassle but again any help is appreciated.



in your index.php file of your defult template -- root/templates/multiplex 3/index.php and find this line:

        <!-- Navigation with bullets -->

and below it remove show_menu call

that will remove bullet menu :) then you can use that block for some other content :)

Web developer



I'm using the Multlflex 3 template for a website.

Is there a way tp get rid of the navigation down the left hand side, as I don't need two navigation bars. Also I can't rid of the 'test' block at the bottom right hand side.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You.