Drop down menus that only show first level child pages



You may try EasyMenu, or find the appropriate params of show_menu2(). I'm not an export for SM2, but I know it can do this.


Hi everyone!

I'm working on a website for a school district I work for, and decided on using WebsiteBaker to power the site.

We want a menu across the top that will display the first-level pages (such as schools, student resources, etc) along a horizontal bar, and than when the user hovers over one of those links, it will display a drop down menu containing the second level pages (high school, middle school, etc). That's as far as we want the top menubar to go.

I've seen a few templates like this, but they display menus for every level that exists (such as hovering over "high school" will show a second menu that says staff, guidance, handbook, etc), we don't want this, as we will have a second menu along the side to handle that navigation.

Could anyone offer a few tips in designing a menu like that?
