show gallery on different pages


Thanks - did indeed works - but the problem with the gallery is that, one clikcing to the detail page - it goes to the source page and does not load on the same page where the section picker is used.
Is there a way that I can redirect / load the detail page on the same page (and not go to the original gallery page)?


Is there a snippet / droplet that I can use to show a gallery (I'm using gallery 2.0) on different pages. The reason for doing so is that I have a multilanguage site (three languages). Instead of making three image galleries embed in each of the language subsite (this is needed because of the different captions which are language depended) - I was hopig I could only make one gallery and then use a droplet or snippet to embed this gallery in other pages (like the anyitems with the bakery module).

Is there such code? Is it possible to do? Can someone help?
