Bookings droplet language


I think I know what's wrong. I'm sorry, I have chosen the language on the page with the month dropplet instead of the page itself... thank you very much! the bookings modul is really great!


Hmmm... Are you sure that the LANGUAGE constant is set correctly?

Try to change the Droplet code like this to see:


$return[] = Bookings_Month_Sheet( $_year, $_month, $section, true );
$return[] = '</div>';
return implode('', $return);


$return[] = Bookings_Month_Sheet( $_year, $_month, $section, true );
$return[] = "Language constant: -" . LANGUAGE . "-<br />";
$return[] = '</div>';
return implode('', $return);


I'm using the bookings modul for a new website. in a sidebar I'm also using the bookings droplet to show the current month. so far everything is working fine, but where can I change the language for the current month?


page 29 ist the year overview, the language there is okay (EN)! but the current month is DE!?

thanks for your help!