Bakery with another fotogallery


you can reather easily use bakery and comment out all shop options so that you have an imagegallery with a textfield

on the other hand you might want the option like brax highslide gallery to point out a folder to automatically generate the image gallery.

I guess it can be done, I will try to find the time


Probably worth noting that this photo gallery is the plugin called GalleryView, and the homepage is
However, the latest version & release information is only on

Thanks snoork, this looks like a nice option. Any thought of packaging it into a module or another package?


sorry, wrong copy paste shizzle ...

now it is corrected

the simplified code to include the jquery, yes offcourse, that is better ...


This is not quite right. In your first step, you load the scripts from the view_tem.php. In your second step, you load the scripts once in the head of the template.

jQuery 1.3.2 is no longer current.

jQuery in the latest version you can use with register_frontend_modfiles in head section.

if (function_exists('register_frontend_modfiles')) {

sorry english is not my language but i hope you understand it


for a bakery with as a image slideshow

change the file view_item.php

replace line 130 to app. 188 for
// Initialize or reset thumb(s) and image(s) befor laoding next item
$thumb_arr = array();
$image_arr = array();
$thumb = "";
$image = "";
$img_hoogte = 400;

// Prepare thumb and image directory pathes and urls
$thumb_dir = WB_PATH.MEDIA_DIRECTORY.'/showroom/thumbs/item'.ITEM_ID.'/';
$img_dir = WB_PATH.MEDIA_DIRECTORY.'/showroom/images/item'.ITEM_ID.'/';
$thumb_url = WB_URL.MEDIA_DIRECTORY.'/showroom/thumbs/item'.ITEM_ID.'/';
$img_url = WB_URL.MEDIA_DIRECTORY.'/showroom/images/item'.ITEM_ID.'/';

// Check if the thumb and image directories exist
if (is_dir($thumb_dir) && is_dir($img_dir)) {
// Open the image directory then loop through its contents
$dir = dir($img_dir);
while (false !== $image_file = $dir->read()) {
// Skip index file and pointers
if (eregi(".php", $image_file) || substr($image_file, 0, 1) == ".") {
// Thumbs use .jpg extension only
$thumb_file = str_replace (".png", ".jpg", $image_file);

// Convert filename to lightbox2 title
$img_title = str_replace(array(".png", ".jpg"), "", $image_file);
$img_title = str_replace("_", " ", $img_title);

// Make array of all item thumbs and images
if (file_exists($thumb_dir.$thumb_file) && file_exists($img_dir.$image_file)) {
// If needed add lightbox2 link to the thumb/image...
if ($setting_lightbox2 == "detail" || $setting_lightbox2 == "all") {
$prepend = "<a href='".$img_url.$image_file."' rel='lightbox[image_".ITEM_ID."]' title='".$img_title."'><img src='";
$thumb_append = "' alt='".$img_title."' title='".$img_title."'  /></a>";
$img_append = "' alt='".$img_title."' title='".$img_title."'  /></a>";
// ...else add thumb/image only
} else {
$prepend = "<li><img src='";
$img_prepend = "<div class=\"panel\"><img src='";
$thumb_append = "' alt='".$img_title."' title='".$img_title."' /></li>";
$img_append = "' alt='".$img_title."' title='".$img_title."'  height='".$img_hoogte."'/></div>";
// Check if a main thumb/image is set
if ($image_file == $item['main_image']) {
$thumb = $prepend.$thumb_url.$thumb_file.$thumb_append;
$image = $img_prepend.$img_url.$image_file.$img_append;
// Make array
$thumb_arr[] = $prepend.$thumb_url.$thumb_file.$thumb_append;
$image_arr[] = $img_prepend.$img_url.$image_file.$img_append;

// Make strings for use in the item templates
$thumbs = implode("\n", $thumb_arr);
$images = implode("\n", $image_arr);

add to your template between <head> and </head>:
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo TEMPLATE_DIR?>/scripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo TEMPLATE_DIR?>/scripts/jquery.easing.1.3.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo TEMPLATE_DIR?>/scripts/jquery.galleryview-1.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo TEMPLATE_DIR?>/scripts/jquery.timers-1.1.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
panel_width: 600,
panel_height: 450,
frame_width: 100,
frame_height: 100

3. include in your template files the attached zip with the js scripts

4. add to the add.php or directly into the page settings in the admin:
<div id="photos" class="galleryview">

  <ul class="filmstrip">

[gelöscht durch Administrator]