Image resize but not lightbox image


When the image is uploaded a thumbnail is created, with some extra code a third image could be created,

If the code is modiefied to have a third image, the bakery folder could contain of thumbsfolder, an image folder and a big-image folder ...

Imagine what you can do with a  third imagesize

sky writer

I am looking for the same functionality.  Did you resolve this?


It is linked to the full size image, but image is set to be resized so will not work.



sky writer

I was wondering the same thing.  It doesn't make sense to have a lightbox image the same size as the link image.  I know you can go to the lightbox from the thumb image, but sometimes it's needed to have the three stages (thumb, resized, full size).


When image resize is set lightbox image goes the same size, but need lightbox image full normal image size.
Is this possible?
