Feature request: Bakery to support <base href="xx">


Thanks, that sounds like it would work. But, it is a hack to make it work. Ideally, all links generated by the bakery module should work with a base href set to WB_URL, that's why I called it a feature request.

Thanks  :-D





I think it would be a useful feature for bakery to still work on sites where we have set

<base href="<?php echo WB_URL?>">

Right now, if I use this, the links generated by bakery won't work, because they are relative to the 'current' page. So it ends up going to "www.site.com?p=10" which of course is not valid. (It should be "www.site.com/pages/bakery/products.php?p=10" or something like that).

To make the fix, the links generated by bakery will have to be:

<URL to bakery page>+<relative link>
