Problem on forum!?


can also be a hosting company server issue
i recently switched hosts and the old host i would get that about every 13 to 14 page loads in anything weather it was php or html or shtml

I switched hosts and the same files that would generate this ..... now work 100%
drove the  old host crazy for months  and it was the only host i had issues with

it was a inux box and so is the new host  but no issues with the new host :)


That happens when you want to add somthing containing config(doT)php or another sort of string.

I mentioned it a while ago, it heppens every now and then.

Just got it also thus I used (dot) instead of .

You don't have permission to access /index.php on this server.

Looks like a security thing.
Opensource is my life, but then elsewhere.


Sometimes I having problems on the forum and get the following message when replying to an existing forum thread:

You don't have permission to access /index.php on this server.

In the source I saw this is an error 403. Does someone know what is causing this?