Ascending Order and Descending Order - update


Heideman Media - Holland


check the zip, I have done that for you

effe in de zip kijken hierboven.. ik heb dat voor je gedaan...

goed idee, ik heb t toegevoegd aan mijn aangepaste shopmodule


sorry i mean view_overview.php in stead of modify_overview.php

and it is only a suggestion for a next version...
Heideman Media - Holland


sorry my english is very bad so i try again...

I would have a radio button in the backend so the customer can change the order for the frondend.
I fixed it now by editing the "modify_overview.php" and change ASC in DESC.

I think it would be great to have the opportunity by preferences to choose ASC order or DESC order for the frondend.

i hope you understand now??...
Heideman Media - Holland


I do not think it is that hard too understand what the guy needs...

find attached 3 edited files

- modify_page_settings.php -> added two radiobuttons ( Ascending / Descending )

- safe_page_settings.php -> added the needed lines to safe the fields

- view_overview.php -> replaced some stuff around line 93

- added a row in the bakery page settings sql ( open phpMyAdmin search the table "bakery page settings" add a row and call it "volgorde"

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


I still do not get the point of this topic.

In the backend stock administration you can order items in various ways and for the shop frontend view it is possible to order the items manually just the way you want.

Regards Christoph


I might be wrong but he gives us an url... It seems pretty clear he is talking about the frontend...


Hi HeidemanMedia

Are you taking about the stock administration in the backend
or the order of the items in the frontend / customer view?

Regards Christoph


a nice possibility in a next update would be:
Ascending Order and Descending Order in the back-end.

at this moment the oldest product is first... it is possible to change, I know but not for a client and that's sad.

for example I build the newest books always must been showed as first:)
Heideman Media - Holland