some nice Websites..



=> Hotel Barbarahof
some facts:
- many jquery effects
- using headjs
- E-Card Service
- Multi Language
- Random Teaser
- a mobile version of the website is at work..

and many other features... :)
Ich würde gern die Welt verändern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht...


Really impressive work, cheers !



=> Bogensportschule NO-1
some facts:
- some jquery effects
- somne CSS3 effects

Ich würde gern die Welt verändern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht...


Very nice site.
Like those friendly illustrations.

[i]"Gemeinsam schafft man mehr."[/i]

1. mehreren Personen oder Dingen in gleicher Weise gehörend, eigen
2. in Gemeinschaft [unternommen, zu bewältigen]; zusammen, miteinander



=> Bergdorf der Tiere
some facts:
- many jquery effects
- using headjs
- Google Map v3 (you can enter in the backend the information)

Ich würde gern die Welt verändern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht...


Quote from: sparkdigital on July 02, 2011, 05:28:31 PM
Hi Badknight,

I really like what you did for the apartments site - how did you do the availability search?

Hi sparkdigital, thanks for your feedback.

The search is a little bit strange.. :D

the problem is:
-> the software "fewo-verwalter" tells the website:
=> objects
=> price per accommodation
=> reservations
=> the data synchronize  x times a day


the steps:
=> check the fields
=>  get id's of the objects
=> a complex SQL query, that search the objects, which are available and active,..
=> get the information about the objects and display it

It sounds easy, but is a little bit tricky

Ich würde gern die Welt verändern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht...


Hi Badknight,

I really like what you did for the apartments site - how did you do the availability search?



That is really a nice implementation, also in the backend. Thumps up from me!



=> Alpen-Apartments
some facts:
- many jquery effects
- using headjs
- Data synchronization with "fewo-verwalter"
- CSV Import
- Apartment management
- price calculation
- Accommodation Search
- interactive booking calendar
- google maps - weather for the interactive booking calendar
- and many other features  :-D
- the site runs with WB 2.8.1 OR 2.8.2 and also the security features ;o)
Some screens of the apartment management:
-   Screen 1
-   Screen 2
-   Screen 3
-   Screen 4
-   Screen 5
Ich würde gern die Welt verändern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht...


hi bramus!

thanks for your feedback. The image in the header is a separate issue.
I think also that it is too big for that site.. but the people want this..

Ich würde gern die Welt verändern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht...


The last one, Very nice site!

Only point i notice is that the images in the top take a lot of place, on my widescreen 23" is have not mutch space left to view the page. I dont know what about other people.

But the site design is very nice i like it a lot! Also nice pictures used.
BRAMUS Internet Services



=> Bäckerei Bauer
some facts:
- many jquery effects
- using headjs
- csv import for a privat area, that shows the clients of the bakery with a google map marker and informations
- and many other features  :-D
Ich würde gern die Welt verändern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht...


Ich erlaube mir den beitrag in deutsch zu schreiben :)

auf kannst du dich anmelden, du bekommst einen "Disqus Key" und hast  dann ein paar beispiele wie du das manuell einbauen kannst.

ich hab hier die harte Variante gemacht und das newsmodul dafür verwendet. es empfiehlt sich das "news" modul dabei als eigenständiges modul zu verwenden, damit du keine probleme bei updates bekommst.

=> mod_MODULNAME_settings => disquskey hinzufügen (varchar.. normal reicht 50 kann man ggf. auch höher setzen)
=> modify_settings.php || save_settings.php => feld hinzufügen wo man den Disquskey eintragen kann.. wenn gewünscht die original Comment sachen weg geben

Den code was du von Disqus bekommst (HTML Code) hab ich in einer datei namens "" gespeichert
in der View.php eine Variable anlegen namens "[DISQUS]" (habs neben "[TEXT_BACK]" gemacht)

Dazu noch eine abfrage ob der disqus key gesetzt ist, ob das kommentieren auch gewünscht ist => wenn ja einbinden und die variable "[DISQUS]" mit dem gewünschten inhalt befüllen.

in den Optionen kannst du nun an der gewünschten stelle einfach [DISQUS] einfügen und wenn das kommentieren erwünscht ist => wird es angezeigt.

==> for the english people, write me a PM :)
Ich würde gern die Welt verändern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht...


sehr schöne seiten, bekommt man lust auch mal wieder was vernünftiges zu machen.

good work!


Jo, very professional work!
How did you integrate disqus?


they all look great !!

good work
Web developer


Hallo liebe WebsiteBaker Community.

Hier werden von Zeit zu Zeit neue Arbeiten gepostet, welche wir mit WebsiteBaker umgesetzt haben.

Wir wollen hierbei kein Lob erhalten oder sonstiges, es sollte nur gezeigt werden was mit WebsiteBaker so möglich ist.

Solltet ihr Fragen haben, könnt ihr euch jederzeit melden.

mit freundlichen grüßen

==== English ====
Hello everybody!

From time to time, we will post here our websites, that we made with WebsiteBaker.

Should you have any questions, then get in touch.

With best regards

==== the showcase ====
these are not the mobile versions

=> Burg-Kaprun
some facts:
- many jquery effects
- disqus
- using headjs
- and many other features  :-D

=> Rotaract Salzburg
some facts:
- many jquery effects
- using headjs
- and many other features  :-D

=> Proneben Gut
some facts:
- many jquery effects
- using headjs
- Disqus
- foldergalery integration in the news module..
- and many other features  :-D

=> Bäckerei Bauer
some facts:
- many jquery effects
- using headjs
- csv import for a privat area, that shows the clients of the bakery with a google map marker and informations
- and many other features  :-D

=> Hotel Barbarahof
some facts:
- many jquery effects
- somne CSS3 effects
- using headjs
- E-Card Service
- Multi Language
- Random Teaser
- new mobile version

and many other features... :)

=> Schloss Saalhof
some facts:
- many jquery effects
- using headjs
- E-Card Service
- Multi Language (EN and IT are at work)
- a mobile version of the website is at work..

=> Skischool Dorfgastein
some facts:
- many jquery effects
- using headjs
- some useful modules for the administration of the website
- a mobile version of the website

=> Sport - Kristall
some facts:
- jquery effects
- using headjs
- some useful modules for the administration of the website
- a mobile version of the website
- new mobile version
- many other features ;)

=> Nindl Grafik
a simple One Page

=> Lemon Media
some facts:
- jquery effects
- using headjs
- many other features

some facts:
- special Modul, to connect the staff with the special offers
- a kind of "IF - Query" in the WYS eG.: ((IF_STAFF_1))TEXT((/IF_STAFF_1))  so the TEXT only get displayed if the staff = 1
- using headjs
- many other features

=> Bürglhöh
some facts:
- jquery effects
- using headjs
- mobile version
- many other features

=> Ferienhaus Hochkönig
some facts:
- jquery effects
- using headjs
- many other features

=> Alpenlicht
some facts:
- jquery effects
- using headjs
- jquery isotope
- many other features

some facts:
- soft relaunch
- new mobile version

=> Alll in One
some facts:
- jquery effects
- using headjs
- Apartment management modul
- Ajax - Bookingmodul
- accommodation search for the ajax bookingmodul
- many other features

=> Sport-Barbarahof
some facts:
- jquery effects
- using headjs
- some ajax features to change the header of the portalpage on mouseover
- many other features

=> Panorama Camp
some facts:
- jquery effects
- some ajax features
- Responsive Design

=> Club Kitzsteinhorn
some facts:
- jquery effects
- some ajax features
- Responsive Design
- using the "menu-icon" feature from the future 2.8.4 release (currently it's only a REV from the SVN)

=> Pinzgauer Holzspielzeug
some facts:
- jquery effects
- bakeryXT
- WB 2.8.3 DEV

is a complete reprogramming of the proven Bakery module.

- using the class Translate
- using the AccessFile class from the future 2.8.4
- the complete layout of the module was made with TWIG
- Individual sections can be defined as a catalog or store view
- you can change the templates for katalog and Shop
and many more ;)

=> Lake of Charity
it's just a simple site


- WB is here just to display the informations... the management of the objects is an external - self developed - software
Ich würde gern die Welt verändern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht...