WB 2.8.2 show_menu bug


I could ask my designer! hehe

or I suggest taking VE Dual Mobile that I made...

and maybe adding an admin plugin to setup witch device to get witch template.
Xagone Inc. (formerly VotreEspace)



this issue is known. Problem is, that show_menu is outdated and to fix this and all other issues from show_menu makes no sense as show_menu2 works without any problems. Show_menu remains in the code only for compatibiliy reasons.

The second point, i agree. The Templates wich comes with the Wb package should us show_menu2 instead of show_menu. Hope this will be fixed in the next version. By the way it would be better to replace all these templats by newer moderner ones.



I found a bug on WB 2.8.2 show_menu that was not there before

If you move the pages out of /pages to get them at the root
Menu will be showed, and work on the firt page, but in any other page, the 1st page will not work anymore (in the code, it will go to href="")

but it work perfectly with show_menu2.

But since default templates works with show_menu, this is a bug worth mentionning
Xagone Inc. (formerly VotreEspace)