bakery customer extra data field / extra order step


Hi elarifr,

Your upgrades might be usfull for me.

Can you send me the upgrade?



Hi elarifr

Thank you for sharing your Bakery addition! Looks promising though I have not had the time to test it yet!

Regards Christoph


i have added in bakery 1.58 some extra field for customer
like adress 2nd line / gsm / fax / digicode

plan to add a customer password

for each order some selectable extra field (3 text, 1 textarea, 2 status, 1 datepicker, 1 time)
(status and time not finished. )
for now they are processed at an extra step after view_cart and before view_form and are not mandatory checked.

it is planned to select in admin if extra input field are used in other step as editable / mandatory field / view only
and if they will be included in email to user / admin

working demo front end only on

it is installed as a module for database upgrade / remove
and then just replace bakery files

translation are provided but you can / must make you own translation copy to change field label as you want and they will not be overrided when upgrading

ps just work in progress so not everything planned working :( (customer password, order token to retrieve order or confirm order, field in admin for each order)

plan to add : customer ip with adress, geo map plan for delivery,
maybe change the way unfinished order are deleted after one hour to send mail to customer 24h before the basket is deleted ?
maybe move/separate customer data from order to have a separate customer management or based on one other module, but separated from wb user for security. 

if some pple interrested to make test i will publish them

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