Product page of Bakery in subdirectory and url


True and i agree. That is the reason why i use Topics in most cases to use as a news module instead of the default News module. With Topics you can set a custom folder which is in most cases Nieuws/News. But i understand the way WB is working and your point.


Well, look at the news module. It is working exactly the same. All messages are in the /pages/post/ directory, regardless where the news-page is located.

Technically it could be done, resulting in an error if you would create a page that already exists in the news module (or bakery, or topics), but it would make things more complicated to use and explain.
WB is all about simple and straightforward.
[url=]Dev4me - WebsiteBaker modules[/url] - [url=][/url]


I know that's the 'problem'.
But i was kinda hoping that it was possible to have all product pages in the main product page.
In a way it is a bit odd like it's working now.

I am creating a bike website.
In my menu there is a menu item 'Bikes'.
Under that there are several sub pages.
An url could be:
But there is also a menu item
When i choose a product in accessories, the url wil be:
The accessory product isn't a bike, but an accessory part of Bikes.
(Bikes is the name i gave for the Bakery pages map) it makes much more sence if the url would be:
It not a world wide problem, but it's strange. The url structure is totally being ignored. People are paying attention to build an efficient sitemap and structure, and than suddenly, by choosing a product, the url is gonna change. Am i the only one who is acting goofy at this point  :-D
For my feelings, it's just not right, but i do understand why this is happening with Bakery and WB working together.


Bakery pages will always be in a special baker directory (the name bakery can be changed to "shop" or something).
The reason is that WB will not know if a new page already exists in another module and therefore could overwrite a product page with some other content page.

If Bakery would not do that you could have 2 pages both called:
[url=]Dev4me - WebsiteBaker modules[/url] - [url=][/url]



I am really wondering if it's possible to have a subdirectory listing in Bakery.
I'm setting up a website/shop which will contain a lot of products.
But i need to organize and handle with care and efficiency, otherwise it wil be a cluttered list when they going to use it.
I am creating a menu structure and so far so good. But i see that Bakery is not creating a sub page for an article/product. It allways uses the Pages-map in the default settings. I really would like to know if there is a change to let Bakery build it's own sub folder for a product.
For instance, this is an example url:
When i click on a product on this page, it brings me to:
But it must be:
Is this a known request or something? Because i tried to find something similar on the forum, but couldn't find any.
Really want to know if this is possible, as i want to continue to build the sitemap of the website.
