Find the REVAMDS Easter Egg and get a free Serial License!

Tez Oner


A pity the 3rd Easter Egg hasn't been found  :-o

For those wondering where the egg was, check attached screendump,

Cheerz and thanks for those who took time to look ;)

Tez Oner
Tez | VA-MDS / MMO | communications
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Hi Tez Oner,

...I'll let the others the chance to find the easter-eggs...hope they wouldn't stink on friday  :wink:

..Ya know...I've searched like a dog ;-)....da whole night and day(on easter)for ya easter-eggs. ;-)
... just jokin'.... :wink:

Note: Your work on is pretty cool...and just another kind...of WB -

aaaaand.... note in my last postin' ---> (WB is like you are gettin a Maybach-Car for free, but most didn't recognize....they are thinkin it's a Fiat 500....but take look under the hood...and poop on WP and the others...  :wink: Happy Easter to everybody)....

....didn't mean you at any time. OK?

Donation will com next time to :wink:

Friendly regards....

Beginne damit, alles zu vergessen, was du weißt. Dann bist du so, wie du bist und du fühlst, was du fühlst. Das ist es – so einfach.(Samarpan) - All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Tez Oner

Eeey Justy,

sounds good! A sign you got a heart after all  :lol: LMAO just kidding.

But -just to let ya'll know - The Easter Bunny was checking the website
and noticed there still - 1 Egg left! - find it (till friday) otherwise it gets spoiled
and the eggs gonna stink ;)


Tez Oner
Tez | VA-MDS / MMO | communications
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...sorry for disturbin'....awaked from the easter-coma ;-)

First of all,

I'll never try too, like you Tez Oner, to make fun about other people(hope you read the PN).
Especially not about WB-Community-members...and I've ask the next 2 people(for which I'm creatin a  new homepage for free) - push the "Donate"-button for the

The WB-members/-team do the great job.....

The donations(subject for transaction - "easter-eggs") should arrive in the next / few weeks/ (don't hope month(-s) )....when I'm ready with the pages.

Hope this is ok for everybody?

I also know that an (easter-egg) not necessarily must be oval. ;-)

Congratulations to the winners of the license(-s)!
Beginne damit, alles zu vergessen, was du weißt. Dann bist du so, wie du bist und du fühlst, was du fühlst. Das ist es – so einfach.(Samarpan) - All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


Tez Oner

Hey Justy,

...searched and spent the whole night & day ;-) to find the (damn) easter egg-(s) on your webspace, but couldn't find any egg(-s)...are you shure you aren't kidding the WB-community? ...any hint to find it?
Really disappointed.... Mustn't have the free license but want to find da f.ckin egg. ;-)

First of all I never (try) to make fun of others but you leave me no choice  :roll: hehehe
there actually still is one Easter Egg on the website and they have been found already
by Nibz and Jacob22 so.... the fact u didnt found em, says more about u heheehhe  :lol:

Some hint;  it looks like an egg!


Tez Oner
Tez | VA-MDS / MMO | communications
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Hi Tez Oner,

in respect to all of your (hard) work.
My posting(-s) today only was fun.  :wink:

Have a nice day.
Beginne damit, alles zu vergessen, was du weißt. Dann bist du so, wie du bist und du fühlst, was du fühlst. Das ist es – so einfach.(Samarpan) - All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


Hi nbiz,

I'll think now its too late...for a second license... :wink:

Searched like a dog... da hole day for da f....g eggs  :wink:


Beginne damit, alles zu vergessen, was du weißt. Dann bist du so, wie du bist und du fühlst, was du fühlst. Das ist es – so einfach.(Samarpan) - All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


I finally found the egg! :P

Hint it is one of the subpages of the page Features ;).


...think 've found the reason that i couldn't find the egg(-s) on your page (hope today's free speechin in the wb-forum - happy easter to all!!) ----> you'll only find them --->  :evil:  :wink:

(WB is like you are gettin a Maybach-Car for free, but most didn't recognize....they are thinkin it's a Fiat 500....but take look under the hood...and poop on WP and the others... ;-) Happy Easter to everybody)

Please don't ban me for this posting. :wink:

Beginne damit, alles zu vergessen, was du weißt. Dann bist du so, wie du bist und du fühlst, was du fühlst. Das ist es – so einfach.(Samarpan) - All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


Eeey Revadms,

...searched and spent the whole night & day ;-) to find the (damn) easter egg-(s) on your webspace, but couldn't find any egg(-s)...are you shure you aren't kidding the WB-community? ...any hint to find it?
Really disappointed.... Mustn't have the free license but want to find da f.ckin egg. ;-)

Cheerz ;-)

Beginne damit, alles zu vergessen, was du weißt. Dann bist du so, wie du bist und du fühlst, was du fühlst. Das ist es – so einfach.(Samarpan) - All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Tez Oner


the Easter Bunny informed me no-one found the Egg yet  :-o !
How come? Its more easy and bigger then a bug.

(one tip, it's not on the news-pages).


Tez Oner
Tez | VA-MDS / MMO | communications
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Tez Oner


The Easter Rabbit passed along the REVAMDS 5 website and dropped some 'Easter Egg' on a page, click on it and tell us on which page you found it, and we'll get you a free REVAMDS 5 Serial License!


Happy Easter Ya'll,


Tez Oner
Tez | VA-MDS / MMO | communications
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