PHP 7: Scalar types


I like these changes.. am waiting for years to get scalar type hints. ;-) They will save a lot of sanitizing code.
The newer WB code will have only less problems to be adapted.

Right now we already use "good will" type hints. See the notation for variables from WB2.8.4 (i.e.  $sString, $iInteger, $fFloat, $aArray, $oObject  a.s.o.). SPL-types has been unliked crutches only.

All other incompatibilities will not make too much trouble... i hope..  8-)
How it looks at modules? It's better don't think about.  :?

[url=]Der blaue Planet[/url] - er ist nicht unser Eigentum - wir haben ihn nur von unseren Nachkommen geliehen[br]
[i]"You have to take the men as they are... but you can not leave them like that !" :-P [/i]
[i]Das tägliche Stoßgebet: [b]Oh Herr, wirf Hirn vom Himmel ![/b][/i]



PHP 7 is expected in Summer 2015. The biggest feature for developers is perhaps the possibilitiy for using scalar types (int, float, string, bool).
In my opinion that's really necessary.

Also deprecated functionality like ext/mysql will be completely removed.

Please don't expect WebsiteBaker running on PHP7 without changes.