Extra field adress form


Thanks for your reply Jacobi22,

OK thats a lot of work for me, im not an expert ;-)


of course is it possible, but a lot of work and (maybe) not better in usability for the customers, because, one insert more == one place for errors more
in my eyes not possible to split this adress info into two parts for a good working sanitize (in the sense of: allowed chars in housenumber: only numeric chards).
i remember to some curious adresses in berlin or in Wien, maybe Römergasse Haus 3 Tür 2 or Moskauerstraße 22 Hinterhof 3 Tür 58
for the customer very easy, all this is my adress, but if you look into the code... what is street, what is house-number?
okay, i need a new textfield, but how can i check this? if somebody write a adress like this all together im my street field, the formularcheck doesnt work, because, Housenumber is empty. So maybe, its better to give the actual adressform a better description for the field (example: "your Street and Housenumber" instead of the simple "street"
and maybe, if needed, a tooltip with a longer description like this simple CSS-Solution here

to add this new field, you need...
- new field in database
- add new field in formular
- add new field in formularcheck and save
- add the new field to your adressblock and change the arrays to build and read this block
- change any templates to show this new field in different places like adress form, payment method etc
- change all payment methods to use this new field

all together not realy difficult for an expert, but complexe to search all the places in the module files



Is it possible to have an extra field to add to the address form?
I want the adress and housenumber not in one field but in 2 fields.

Does anyone know the solution?

Thanks for your reply.