Different background on different page id?


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If you need a help in the future please send me a private message. I will help you for free. I'm web developer ( I'm not trying to advertise myself) I just like to help. Web develpment is my job and passion either.


Yes, I think these examples are just what I need. Thanx  (Y)


here an example -> http://forum.websitebaker.org/index.php/topic,30244.0.html

its here for a div, you can use it also for the body-area

annother example is here -> backgroundstretch -> http://forum.websitebaker.org/index.php/topic,26006.msg177656.html#msg177656

both threads are in german, but i'm sure, if you see the code example's, you understand



Is there a way to change background image on different page id?