Error: Field 'page_code' doesn't have a default value


here a solution for you - pls see it as private help, it's not a official solution

unpack the zip and copy the file add.php to admin/pages.
rename the old original file as add_orig.php or overwrite this file

i hope, the official solution is part of the next wb-release. please note: the file works only in WB 2.10.0
YESS! Now it's ok!! Thank you so so much my friend  (Y) (Y)   :-)


here a solution for you - pls see it as private help, it's not a official solution

unpack the zip and copy the file add.php to admin/pages.
rename the old original file as add_orig.php or overwrite this file

i hope, the official solution is part of the next wb-release. please note: the file works only in WB 2.10.0


Quotehave you delete the error.log now and is it clean or come's this messages back?
Yes, error.log is cleared and there is no new errors BUT when i add a new page comes this text:

Field 'page_code' doesn't have a default value

..And i can not add page. So this is not in error.log. It comes right after when i add new page.


i add a ticket for the Message Error: Field 'page_code' doesn't have a default value in MYSQL-Strict Mode. this problem is confirmed.

have you delete the error.log now and is it clean or come's this messages back?

Quote2017-05-17T10:39:56+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[251] from /index.php:[65] frontend->get_page_details "Undefined index: page_icon"
2017-05-17T10:39:56+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[252] from /index.php:[65] frontend->get_page_details "Undefined index: menu_icon_0"
2017-05-17T10:39:56+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[253] from /index.php:[65] frontend->get_page_details "Undefined index: menu_icon_1"
2017-05-17T10:39:56+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[254] from /index.php:[65] frontend->get_page_details "Undefined index: tooltip"


Sorry for late response..

But whats the used PHP-version?

PHP Version 7.0.15-0ubuntu0.16.04.4


sh.... - it was my hope, the the upgrade from the older wb-version doesnt add the fields page_icon, menu_icon_0, menu_icon_1 and tooltip, but you have it.

For this error here:
QuoteField 'page_code' doesn't have a default value

we need a fix in admin/pages/add.php - i hope, it come's in the next wb-version

the same normalize for the other 4 messages
Quote2017-05-17T10:39:56+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[251] from /index.php:[65] frontend->get_page_details "Undefined index: page_icon"
2017-05-17T10:39:56+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[252] from /index.php:[65] frontend->get_page_details "Undefined index: menu_icon_0"
2017-05-17T10:39:56+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[253] from /index.php:[65] frontend->get_page_details "Undefined index: menu_icon_1"
2017-05-17T10:39:56+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[254] from /index.php:[65] frontend->get_page_details "Undefined index: tooltip"

problem is, that nobody can confirm this error - i know, you work in mysql-strict-mode and with WB 2.10.0
But whats the used PHP-version?


use a script like this in a hidden Code section, to read the table structure from this table and search in the output for the possible missing fields page_icon, menu_icon_0, menu_icon_1 and tooltip . it will show the result in the frontend as a list with name && type of every field in the table "pages"

// Get description of settingstable
$sql = 'DESCRIBE `'.TABLE_PREFIX.'pages` ';
if ($oSettings = $database->query($sql)) {
        // Loop through settings
        while (($row = $oSettings->fetchRow(MYSQLI_ASSOC))) {
            echo "{$row['Field']} - {$row['Type']}<br />";
   echo "No settings readable";

Here is the result:

page_id - int(11)
parent - int(11)
root_parent - int(11)
level - int(11)
link - text
target - varchar(7)
page_title - varchar(255)
page_icon - varchar(512)
menu_title - varchar(255)
menu_icon_0 - varchar(512)
menu_icon_1 - varchar(512)
tooltip - varchar(512)
description - text
keywords - text
page_trail - text
template - varchar(255)
visibility - varchar(255)
position - int(11)
menu - int(11)
language - varchar(5)
searching - int(11)
admin_groups - text
admin_users - text
viewing_groups - text
viewing_users - text
modified_when - int(11)
modified_by - int(11)
custom01 - varchar(255)
custom02 - varchar(255)
page_code - int(11)


QuoteI don't have access in database in this case.. This is an upgraded WB-Version.

use a script like this in a hidden Code section, to read the table structure from this table and search in the output for the possible missing fields page_icon, menu_icon_0, menu_icon_1 and tooltip . it will show the result in the frontend as a list with name && type of every field in the table "pages"

// Get description of settingstable
$sql 'DESCRIBE `'.TABLE_PREFIX.'pages` ';
if (
$oSettings $database->query($sql)) {
// Loop through settings
while (($row $oSettings->fetchRow(MYSQLI_ASSOC))) {
"{$row['Field']} - {$row['Type']}<br />";
"No settings readable";

P.S.: Delete this Code or Code-section,if you're finish

if the fields are not part of this table, maybe you can fix it, if you start the upgrade script again, but if this not work, best solution in my eyes is "manual add" of this fields in the database or we write a little script for you

for the rest - its not the place, to discus about old error.logs. clear this log and try it again, if the error come's back, we've to talk about this with the module autor


Quotethe first ~20 messages show's notices about missings definitions. a SELECT collect all datas from the database table "pages" and it looks, that it not found the fields page_icon, menu_icon_0, menu_icon_1 and tooltip . Do you have this fields in database-table "pages"?? If NO, was this a upgraded WB-Version or new Install (WB 2.10.0??)
I don't have access in database in this case.. This is an upgraded WB-Version.

2017-05-17T10:42:01+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/functions.php:[1006] from /upgrade-script.php:[1179] load_template "Undefined variable: template_descriptio n"

the line in this message show's, a wrong configuration in one of your used templates. pls check the info.php of every template in the folder template and search for a missing line with a definition like this
Code: [Select]
$template_description  = 'Default template for Website Baker. This template is designed with one goal in mind: to completely control layout with CSS';
start with your own templates. a definition of this is missing, too long or use wrong chars or misconfigured code.
Yes, this was missing from a few of my templates, but not anymore  (Y)

Quotemy private recommendation:
- delete the error.log - use the X-Button, to show the error.log and in this popup window the link to delete it
- then go to the i-Button in the top-menu, here you found the system-infos - scroll down in this window and search for the link to start the Upgrade-Script
- the info-window give's a lot of informations, maybe, you dont need the Admintool Sysinfo. if not, remove this adminTools in Addons -> Modules -> Uninstall or check Dev4me for a upgraded version
the same for the module miniform
now check the error.log again
I have installed the latest versions of these modules.. But I deleted these modules and reinstalled only Miniform. I did all these what you said and now there is no error messages even with Miniform. But the original error (when adding new page) is till there  :-(


to the error messages

at first a little description or little help to read a error message

Quote2017-05-17T10:39:56+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[251] from /index.php:[65] frontend->get_page_details "Undefined index: page_icon"

red = servertime of this error, here 2017-05-17 at 10:39.00
purple= error type - here E_NOTICE - a simple hint ( german Info)
green = filename and Line with the function or code, that produced the error
orange = filename and Line of the called file (the adress in the browser)
blue = function name - here function get_page_details() in class frontend
brown = the error - here: undefined index

the first ~20 messages show's notices about missings definitions. a SELECT collect all datas from the database table "pages" and it looks, that it not found the fields page_icon, menu_icon_0, menu_icon_1 and tooltip . Do you have this fields in database-table "pages"?? If NO, was this a upgraded WB-Version or new Install (WB 2.10.0??)

Quote2017-05-17T10:42:01+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/functions.php:[1006] from /upgrade-script.php:[1179] load_template "Undefined variable: template_descriptio n"

the line in this message show's, a wrong configuration in one of your used templates. pls check the info.php of every template in the folder template and search for a missing line with a definition like this
$template_description  = 'Default template for Website Baker. This template is designed with one goal in mind: to completely control layout with CSS';
start with your own templates. a definition of this is missing, too long or use wrong chars or misconfigured code.

all other messages in your list come's from the modules sysinfo and miniform, check Dev4me for a upgrade

its recommended, to delete the error.log from time to time, your messages are from may 2017 and maybe, everything is solved now
for example: if you upgrade a older WB-Version and use it before you start the file upgrade-script.php, i understand the ~20 messages in the top of your list

my private recommendation:
- delete the error.log - use the X-Button, to show the error.log and in this popup window the link to delete it
- then go to the i-Button in the top-menu, here you found the system-infos - scroll down in this window and search for the link to start the Upgrade-Script
- the info-window give's a lot of informations, maybe, you dont need the Admintool Sysinfo. if not, remove this adminTools in Addons -> Modules -> Uninstall or check Dev4me for a upgraded version
the same for the module miniform
now check the error.log again


Thanks, but I am "only user" and can not help with the messages. :oops:
But our "professionals" can be the best.
LG Harald

"Fange nie an, aufzuhören - höre nie auf, anzufangen." Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 v.Chr.)



other possibility: a theme file for admin/pages is corrupted or modified in a wrong way.
solution: reinstall the theme from original packet

Did not work.. If the problem is this, should it work with another backend theme? If I change theme, still the same problem.


QuoteOK thanks.
At the back end is an ICON "red X" to see, please times by mouse click open and the error messages post.
Sorry for the Google English

Sorry hgs I did not give you the error messages.. But here they are:

"created: [2017-05-17T13:39:56+03:00]
2017-05-17T10:39:56+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[251] from /index.php:[65] frontend->get_page_details "Undefined index: page_icon"
2017-05-17T10:39:56+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[252] from /index.php:[65] frontend->get_page_details "Undefined index: menu_icon_0"
2017-05-17T10:39:56+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[253] from /index.php:[65] frontend->get_page_details "Undefined index: menu_icon_1"
2017-05-17T10:39:56+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[254] from /index.php:[65] frontend->get_page_details "Undefined index: tooltip"
2017-05-17T10:39:56+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[251] from /pages/fi/etusivu.php:[8] require "Undefined index: page_icon"
2017-05-17T10:39:56+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[252] from /pages/fi/etusivu.php:[8] require "Undefined index: menu_icon_0"
2017-05-17T10:39:56+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[253] from /pages/fi/etusivu.php:[8] require "Undefined index: menu_icon_1"
2017-05-17T10:39:56+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[254] from /pages/fi/etusivu.php:[8] require "Undefined index: tooltip"
2017-05-17T10:40:23+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[251] from /index.php:[65] frontend->get_page_details "Undefined index: page_icon"
2017-05-17T10:40:23+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[252] from /index.php:[65] frontend->get_page_details "Undefined index: menu_icon_0"
2017-05-17T10:40:23+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[253] from /index.php:[65] frontend->get_page_details "Undefined index: menu_icon_1"
2017-05-17T10:40:23+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[254] from /index.php:[65] frontend->get_page_details "Undefined index: tooltip"
2017-05-17T10:40:23+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[251] from /pages/fi/etusivu.php:[8] require "Undefined index: page_icon"
2017-05-17T10:40:23+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[252] from /pages/fi/etusivu.php:[8] require "Undefined index: menu_icon_0"
2017-05-17T10:40:23+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[253] from /pages/fi/etusivu.php:[8] require "Undefined index: menu_icon_1"
2017-05-17T10:40:23+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/class.frontend.php:[254] from /pages/fi/etusivu.php:[8] require "Undefined index: tooltip"
2017-05-17T10:42:01+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/functions.php:[1006] from /upgrade-script.php:[1179] load_template "Undefined variable: template_description"
2017-05-17T10:42:01+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/functions.php:[1006] from /upgrade-script.php:[1179] load_template "Undefined variable: template_description"
2017-05-17T10:42:01+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/functions.php:[1006] from /upgrade-script.php:[1179] load_template "Undefined variable: template_description"
2017-05-17T10:42:01+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/functions.php:[1006] from /upgrade-script.php:[1179] load_template "Undefined variable: template_description"
2017-09-05T09:47:53+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/functions.php:[1006] from /admin/addons/reload.php:[115] load_template "Undefined variable: template_description"
2017-09-05T09:47:53+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/functions.php:[1006] from /admin/addons/reload.php:[115] load_template "Undefined variable: template_description"
2017-09-05T09:47:53+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/functions.php:[1006] from /admin/addons/reload.php:[115] load_template "Undefined variable: template_description"
2017-09-05T09:47:53+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/functions.php:[1006] from /admin/addons/reload.php:[115] load_template "Undefined variable: template_description"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:02:10+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/sysinfo/funcs/constants.php:[48] from /modules/sysinfo/tool.php:[46] include "Array to string conversion"
2017-09-05T10:07:30+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[117] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_AJAX"
2017-09-05T10:07:30+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[118] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_RECAPTCHA"
2017-09-05T10:07:30+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[119] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_RCKEY"
2017-09-05T10:07:30+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[120] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_RCSECRET"
2017-09-05T10:08:04+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[117] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_AJAX"
2017-09-05T10:08:04+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[118] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_RECAPTCHA"
2017-09-05T10:08:04+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[119] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_RCKEY"
2017-09-05T10:08:04+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[120] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_RCSECRET"
2017-09-05T10:08:43+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[117] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_AJAX"
2017-09-05T10:08:43+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[118] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_RECAPTCHA"
2017-09-05T10:08:43+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[119] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_RCKEY"
2017-09-05T10:08:43+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[120] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_RCSECRET"
2017-09-05T10:08:46+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify_template.php:[74] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: DOREMOTE"
2017-09-05T10:08:46+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify_template.php:[97] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: REMOTE"
2017-09-05T10:08:46+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify_template.php:[98] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: LOAD"
2017-09-05T10:09:02+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[117] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_AJAX"
2017-09-05T10:09:02+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[118] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_RECAPTCHA"
2017-09-05T10:09:02+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[119] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_RCKEY"
2017-09-05T10:09:02+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[120] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_RCSECRET"
2017-09-05T10:09:34+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify_template.php:[74] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: DOREMOTE"
2017-09-05T10:09:34+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify_template.php:[97] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: REMOTE"
2017-09-05T10:09:34+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify_template.php:[98] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: LOAD"
2017-09-05T10:09:43+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[117] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_AJAX"
2017-09-05T10:09:43+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[118] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_RECAPTCHA"
2017-09-05T10:09:43+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[119] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_RCKEY"
2017-09-05T10:09:43+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[120] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_RCSECRET"
2017-09-05T10:11:53+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /modules/miniform/modify.php:[117] from /admin/pages/modify.php:[184] require "Undefined index: TEXT_AJAX"
2017-09-06T07:33:43+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/functions.php:[1006] from /admin/addons/reload.php:[115] load_template "Undefined variable: template_description"
2017-09-06T07:33:43+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/functions.php:[1006] from /admin/addons/reload.php:[115] load_template "Undefined variable: template_description"
2017-09-06T07:33:43+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/functions.php:[1006] from /admin/addons/reload.php:[115] load_template "Undefined variable: template_description"
2017-09-06T07:33:43+00:00 [E_NOTICE] /framework/functions.php:[1006] from /admin/addons/reload.php:[115] load_template "Undefined variable: template_description""



i know it   :wink:
this message come's only in mysql-strict-mode, not in normale mode
the answer was for hgs, because, he wondered why he did not see this message


Quotethis error comes only, if you use MYSQL-STRICT-Mode on this server
MySQL strict mode is active..


Quotethis error occurs on saving a new or modified page where no entry for 'page_code' is given.
possible error: - on upgrading not all files in /admin/pages/* are overwritten completely
solution: use FTP and upload these folders from original packet again.
This did not work..

Quoteother possibility: a theme file for admin/pages is corrupted or modified in a wrong way.
solution: reinstall the theme from original packet
Where can I get latest default theme?


Quote from: hgs on September 01, 2017, 10:07:05 AM
I did not have this error yet.
Can you give us more information?

this error comes only, if you use MYSQL-STRICT-Mode on this server, but i'm sure, its solved in WB 2.10
see answer from Darkviper


Quote from: jacobi22@ zirzy: do you use the module mod_multilingual?

No, why?
I wondered where this field came from, but it is now part of the WB package, although it is not needed, but only in mod_multilingual


Thanks for help boys! (Y)

Quote@ zirzy: do you use the module mod_multilingual?
No, why?

Quotehis error occurs on saving a new or modified page where no entry for 'page_code' is given.
possible error: - on upgrading not all files in /admin/pages/* are overwritten completely
solution: use FTP and upload these folders from original packet again.

other possibility: a theme file for admin/pages is corrupted or modified in a wrong way.
solution: reinstall the theme from original packet
Yes, I was thinking the same because if I remember correct there was something weird in upgrade..

QuoteOK thanks.
At the back end is an ICON "red X" to see, please times by mouse click open and the error messages post.
Sorry for the Google English
Thanks for help. I will do that  :-)

I will return to this problem on monday..



this error occurs on saving a new or modified page where no entry for 'page_code' is given.
possible error: - on upgrading not all files in /admin/pages/* are overwritten completely
solution: use FTP and upload these folders from original packet again.

other possibility: a theme file for admin/pages is corrupted or modified in a wrong way.
solution: reinstall the theme from original packet
[url=]Der blaue Planet[/url] - er ist nicht unser Eigentum - wir haben ihn nur von unseren Nachkommen geliehen[br]
[i]"You have to take the men as they are... but you can not leave them like that !" :-P [/i]
[i]Das tägliche Stoßgebet: [b]Oh Herr, wirf Hirn vom Himmel ![/b][/i]


OK thanks.
At the back end is an ICON "red X" to see, please times by mouse click open and the error messages post.
Sorry for the Google English
LG Harald

"Fange nie an, aufzuhören - höre nie auf, anzufangen." Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 v.Chr.)


Where does this error message appear?
Can you give us a screenshot?
I have just tested it without problems. (Php 7.0.20)
LG Harald

"Fange nie an, aufzuhören - höre nie auf, anzufangen." Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 v.Chr.)


QuoteDoes this happen when you are adding a page with the standard wysiwyg module? or using another module?

With wysiwyg 3.0.6.