SAVE - but save it ALL (ONE save for all modules)


LG Harald

"Fange nie an, aufzuhören - höre nie auf, anzufangen." Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 v.Chr.)


Hello peepz,

I re-uped this issue in the 2.10.-Board earlier.,31555

Since 2.12. is up and stably running, I was wondering if this ie being thought about again?

The issue at hand in short:

When looking at a page in WB-backend and editing multiple things over ALL sections, it would be great if only hitting "save"  ONCE would be sufficient.

More pro argument to this are:

- the fashion of single pages /mono-pages (you know, where everything is displayed only on one page, almost no menu needed) makes it more likely that lots of editing has to be done on one page.

- refreshing the page every time after saving irritates the user since WB does not always jump back to the position the user was looking at in the first place.
WB 2.10.x (installed)/WB 2.12.x (installed)
PHP 7.2
MySQL 5.6.36-82.0-log