couple of errors after udating from 2.8.3 to 2.13 and to php 8.1


I'm afraid the time for LibraryAdmin is over since long time.
Maybe you can translate this page and hope it is a solution for you:


I have been with WebsiteBaker since version 2.8.3.
I have never heard of these "modules", and don't know if there have been any further developments.
- libraryadmin 1.60beta1
- wblib 0.89

I have written something about bookings 2.41.1.

About captcha spam protextion 2.2.2 (picture captcha not working)
there were changes in 2.13.3 r166
One setting is no longer available since WB 2.10 and is removed in 2.13.3.

Translated with (free version)
LG Harald

"Fange nie an, aufzuhören - höre nie auf, anzufangen." Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 v.Chr.)


it's v2.13.2 r133
do you think 2.13.3 could have fixed the errors?


The version WebsiteBaker 2.13 is not php8.1 ready.

I hope it was pulled the latest version 2.13.3 from the download area.
LG Harald

"Fange nie an, aufzuhören - höre nie auf, anzufangen." Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 v.Chr.)


libraryadmin 1.60beta1:
[E_WARNING] /modules/libraryadmin/inc/class.LibraryUtils.php:[26]  from /modules/libraryadmin/inc/class.LibraryUtils.php:[26] include_once "include_once(/modules/libraryadmin/inc/wblib/wbQuery.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory"
[E_WARNING] /modules/libraryadmin/inc/class.LibraryUtils.php:[26]  from /modules/libraryadmin/inc/class.LibraryUtils.php:[26] include_once "include_once(): Failed opening '/modules/libraryadmin/inc/wblib/wbQuery.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/vhosts/strandwohnung7/www:/usr/local/share/pear:/usr/local/share/adodb')"
[E_WARNING] /modules/libraryadmin/inc/class.LibraryUtils.php:[26]  from /modules/libraryadmin/inc/class.LibraryUtils.php:[26] include_once "include_once(): Failed opening '/modules/libraryadmin/inc/wblib/wbQuery.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/vhosts/strandwohnung7/www:/usr/local/share/pear:/usr/local/share/adodb')"

wblib 0.89
[E_DEPRECATED] /modules/wblib/class.wbFormBuilder.php:[282]  from /modules/wblib/include_all.php:[37] include_once "Optional parameter $formname declared before required parameter $element is implicitly treated as a required parameter"
PHP Warning:  Private methods cannot be final as they are never overridden by other classes in /modules/wblib/class.wbBase.php on line 114

bookings 2.41.1
[E_DEPRECATED] /modules/bookings_v2/functions.php:[463]  from /modules/bookings_v2/view.php:[247] Bookings_Month_Sheet "Function strftime() is deprecated"

captcha spam protextion 2.2.2 (picture captcha not working)


there are different errors with modules I had installedand I don't know if I can delete some of them without destroying my page.
These modules are producing errors (as far as I can see)
libraryadmin 1.60beta1
wblib 0.89
bookings 2.41.1
captcha spam protextion 2.2.2 (picture captcha not working)
show_menu2 v10.2

maybe you know something about it or can tell me if there's somewhere a new version for download?


EDIT: sorry, wrong forum. Somebody can move it to 2.13? Thanks