First site out the oven - Lancaster Canal Trust


Thanks Klaus,

The front page imagemap was the last thing I added, I'll look at making it FF freindly as soon as I can.



It's a nice site.

But FF unfortunatly wrecks havoc with the main picture (2 or 3 pixel lines between the rows of the imagemap) and the menu (Bullets on top of the text).





Having created many sites in the past using dreamweaver I was asked to produce a site for a charity I'm involved with where the committee could manage the content for themselves. The committee aren't very technically minded so I searched for the simplest CMS I could find and after trialing a number of them, I selected WB.

In the background we have a very very simple forum for all the editiors to keep in touch and I hope to make this available as a module in the future as I think this is the only thing missing from WB.

Please have a look at the site and I'd appreciate any feedback from the group.