another cool WB-Site (german)


albatros, thx for your advise.
I even tested the page in 1024px without those scrollbars, but forgot to take into consideration that most user use tabs,searchbar etc which "steals" some space.
Well, i tried to modify the css height and width  without messing up the layout and finaly i succeeded (in the modification, not in messing the side up ;-) )
thx again!


Hi frankyboy,

i like the design and the favicon. And i think you did a clean, good job integrating wb.


some pix less in width (about 20?) and you wouldn´t get a horizontal scrollbar at 1024*768px.



أنا لست إرهابيا. ليس لدى أي ورشة عمل القنبلة في الطابق السفلي. ليس لدى أي مرض الجمرة الخبيثة أيضا. أريد شراء لا مادة الريسين. أنا سوف ابدأ السفر إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية


howdy-ho! after using WB for more than a year I'm getting faster and better; great cms!
I did a page for a German youth evangelization, as the css-template was provided by the organization, the only task was to integrate WB and let the page look like it should like.
