Egyptian Dance and Dance Therapy


Hi Astrid,

in the attachment you find some screenshots for Termine and Links with IE6, IE7 and FF2(Win & Linux).
As said above in Termine there are only a few px in the height in all this Browsers exept FF2Win. In Links it's only under FF2Linux but here the IEs have a problem with the background-color.

Regards Bernd

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.


Hallo Astrid,

das kann mit Mac vs. PC zu tun haben, der Mac rendert wohl im allgemeinen die Schriftarten kleiner als der PC bei Termine geht's nur um vielleicht 10 - 20 px in der Höhe, bei Links ist es ein Eck mehr ...
Ich mach dir nachher mal paar Screenshots, da siehst du's am besten.

Grüßle Bernd
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.


Hi Astrid,

thats great, pretty sure the Community will like your template.
grossartig, bin mir sicher die Community wird Dein Template lieben.

Regards Christian

P.S.: One should stick to the language used when starting a post as this forum is multi lingual  :-)


"Du solltest Dein Licht nicht unter den Scheffel stellen"

ja, richtig stimmt - das sag ich ja den frauen in meinen seminaren auch immer...  :roll:

ich werd mich also nächste woche dransetzen und eine weitergabefähige version basteln. 8-)

liebe grüße



Quote from: Astridyes it could be possible to share the template (without logo and the graphic on top) - but I think it's not very professional....
I disagree, it is a nice template (even if you think it is not professional). Would be great if you could post your template here for the Community - of course without the graphics.

Thanks for your feedback

P.S.: Du solltest Dein Licht nicht unter den Scheffel stellen  :-)


Hallo Bernd,
danke für dein feedback. Ich sehe weder bei "Terminübersicht" noch bei "Links" Scrollbalken - kann das damit zu tun haben, dass ich an einem Mac arbeite? Vielleicht eine blöde Frage, aber in der Hinsicht hab ich schon einige Überraschungen erlebt....
Liebe grüße


Hi Astrid,

nice looking template and nice colors.
Two little remarks:
The link "Bildergalerie Sommertanzwoche 2006" doesn't work.
On "Termine" (and evtl. on "Links" too) I would give it a try to make the iframe a little bit higher to avoid the scrollbars.

Regards Bernd

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.


Thank you for your friendly commentars and the hints regarding grafics and colours. I will change some things soon.

@doc: jes it could be possible to share the template (without logo and the grafic on top) - but I think it's not very professional....



Hi Astrid,

beautiful site and a nice colorscheme!


أنا لست إرهابيا. ليس لدى أي ورشة عمل القنبلة في الطابق السفلي. ليس لدى أي مرض الجمرة الخبيثة أيضا. أريد شراء لا مادة الريسين. أنا سوف ابدأ السفر إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية


Hello Astrid,

nicely baked.

The only two things I would change, is the contrast of the a href hover style in the footer and the contrast of the header graphic (Tanz ist das Echo des Ausgenblicks).

Is it possible to share the template with the Community?

Regards Christian


very nice!

I can't read any of it, but it flows well and looks great.

Only thing I can add is that the text in your graphic header, the stuff that moves along the curve, is a bit hard to read, not enough contrast between the text and the background color.


After a lot of thinking and with many very helpful hints from this community: Here is my new Website-Baker baked website:

Greetings from Austria:-)