First WB Site online!


oh this is great!! reading two commands! ;) thank you!

the only reason for the scrollbars is that, she wanted to have it this way and to be frank I had no time to implement some javascript in there, but i might come back to this sometime. unfortunately i don't like flash that much (sure, some galleries are terrific but then again accessibility is so poor).

@Uwe: you are right, she wouldn't like that either, so I removed the video asap but maybe when she finds some new music (or i record some for her) the video might come back again.


Hi Mete,

I am one of those who had a look on the thread and on your site, but didn´t write a line. So i think, you are right. Your remark about gema - ROTFL! But it is a site for an artist. What would she say, if anyone uses her photos...?

Normally I prefer dark fonts on light backgrounds. But here the dark backgrund works fine for the presentation. That´s why many artists use it.

I dont´t like horizontal scrollbars too. In my opinion, a gallery (maybe in flash) would be better.

Best Regards


أنا لست إرهابيا. ليس لدى أي ورشة عمل القنبلة في الطابق السفلي. ليس لدى أي مرض الجمرة الخبيثة أيضا. أريد شراء لا مادة الريسين. أنا سوف ابدأ السفر إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية



personally don't like scrollbars. Is there a special reason why you wanna have this? Rest is fine.



Hi once again,

I am having kinda trouble in understanding how 150 people look at a post about a new baked site and none says something about it, which actually was the only reason for me to post about it here; to know what others think.

So if someone feels like saying "Geez, good work!" or "Yikes, that sucks big time!", please do ;)



after playing around with WB for a couple of weeks, we're finally online:

We wanted to keep it nice and simple, so we went for a modification of the template made/ported  by Andrew Dowellin.

WB as well as Andrew is mentioned on the imprint page:

The galleries are made with a small script which reads out the pictures and their paths and displays them in a DIV using inline-lists, which was the requirement of the photographer. She did not want any Javascript or such, yet we have nice horizontal scrolling galleries.

There is still a small problem though, with the DOCTYPE remark which I will possibly be correcting soon but for the first go with WB, I think we did pretty well.

Please go visit, click around and tell us what you think.

Thank you.



- Added a Flash-Video which you can reach via Footer Navigation.
- 20.11.2007: Had to remove the video because of the background music used. GEMA in Germany is pretty tough.