Fourth WB site


Nice job on the template!


Wow, Respect.
Very well done!!!

I most like the Grafik Design of the Header. Looks very professional.

[i]"Gemeinsam schafft man mehr."[/i]

1. mehreren Personen oder Dingen in gleicher Weise gehörend, eigen
2. in Gemeinschaft [unternommen, zu bewältigen]; zusammen, miteinander


Nicely done. Looks fine.



A new site about American cars has been produced with WB


Simple template although i struggled with with making it. I have boxes with content in absolute positioned divs and therefor couldn´t have any objekts below them as text would make the grow over those. I think having certain templatecode inside WB had made it easier. Used the guide "movin from server A to server B" with luck although I think putting it in a WB directory is kind of ugly. I tried to make the old page co-exst wth WB by doing an intropage with the indexcode of the old site but then I had to remove the WYSIWYG as it deletes some HTML code when saving (FCK), it resulted in having to use the /wb/ directory and a metarefresh in the /index.html.

Later i found out that ownerrights and permissions where wrong and that resulted in servererrors..777 didn´t work but 755 did stragely. maybe a function i WB that went through the installation and put the rights back would be great? the webhotel didn´t have any adminsetting that would do it.