ChCounter Installation



you cannot install chcounter from within WB. You have to install chcounter like it is described in the chcounter files.

To get it working with Wb you only need to add then a piece of code in the index.php of your template. Thats all.



I found one thread with Mattias giving a short explanation of how to install the ChCounter, but I appear to be having trouble. I'd greatly appreciate a more in depth walkthrough for idiots like myself, or just a solution to my problem =)

I can't get ChCounter to install, with the error given being:

Warning: require(/data/16/1/6/34/1495849/user/1608973/htdocs/temp/unzip/info.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/16/1/6/34/1495849/user/1608973/htdocs/admin/modules/install.php on line 61

I assume this means I've placed it in the wrong directory, or the directory name is wrong, something along those lines- but I wouldn't be surprised if I'm way off here.

Here's a screenshot of my installation.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]