Anynews problem


Okay Ruud, I am indeed confused. I had no idea these two were related. It makes my fingers itch to go and write some support-files for WB for non-IT-ers like me.  If I only had the time. I did so for some years for Siebel in work. The techies all say it is easy, but it is only to them. The rest of us never really understand and need a different kind of manual or even a product with needs no tweaking and no manual at all. (best) 
Understanding what is really happening and what to do seems a bear of a challenge for WB. I also spent far too many hours already trying and fiddling.
I'll be able to finish this site next week (content to do).

Thanks Peter


Ok, at least you have got news showing (page nieuwstest)

You are mixing things up a little bit.
AnyNews is only responsible for the blue "Laatste nieuws" items in your template. It is a small piece of code that adds functionality to the News module. The News module (when you create a page -> type news) is a standard component (stable version) of the WB software.

Your problems have nothing to do with AnyNews. It is the news page.
In the settings of the news page (screenshot a few messages ago) you can remove the stuff that displays the line like "Posted by Administrator (provider) on 30 Jul 2008".

Have a look at this page, It might explain a bit more.

Good luck,

[url=]Dev4me - WebsiteBaker modules[/url] - [url=][/url]


Thanks for the testing Ruud, No errors are shown. What it the location of the logs btw?

Thanks to that I found at least part of the problem: a page which is not made news in the first place, but changed afterwards into news is not going to display. Same when a news-segment is added to that page later: the short will show, the long won't. After a number of tries I now have a showing page, which is horrible to look at (too may dates, language issues, header shown twice), but I should be able to delete these.
I do think the anynews module is a bit beta though. When I've got time i'll give it a try.

Thanks. Now going to try to get a three of four level menu out of multiflex. 2 levels is nogo.  :-D


Just did a bit of testing with a news page.

Did you set the visibility of the page tot None? (Zichtbaarheid > Geen)
- Set it to Hidden (verborgen)

[url=]Dev4me - WebsiteBaker modules[/url] - [url=][/url]


Very strange,

Even your overview page ( and nieuws2.php) remain without content.

There is content, the AnyNews snippet shows the title and short message. So thats all ok.

You can try to set the errorlevel in the settings (advanced) to the E_ALL level and check if any errors are shown.
(assuming you cannot view the errorlogs created by php)


[url=]Dev4me - WebsiteBaker modules[/url] - [url=][/url]


Thanks, Ruud, but I looked at it and I do have all setting. I think. And I didnt mention it, but it happens at two sites exactly the same. The sites are no technical clones btw. When I make a new page I do get a new pageheader, but still no body. Where should that call be in the script?


The only reason I can think of is that the settings of your news page are deleted.

If you create a new NEWS page, does it show the news?

In the back-end  you should see something like the attached image.


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
[url=]Dev4me - WebsiteBaker modules[/url] - [url=][/url]


I slowly grab the many intricacies of PHP-programming, but after more than a day of reading posts, docu and trying I cannot get the anynews module working properly.
I do have 2 segments of news in one page which is fine by me. The headings show, the short news is there, the readmore links show new pageheaders (nieuws), but the long text fails to show in the same page and fails to show at all basically... What did I overlook here?

Edit: to be more precise: When I look into the pages made by the cms, a page with long news looks like this:
$page_id = 6;
$section_id = 7;
$post_id = 5;
define("POST_ID", $post_id);

The content is in the db, in the right field.
Don't I miss the db-query here to get the text out of the DB? And if so, why does the CMS leave this out when it generates a page?

