Lightweight, simple & clean CSS template


Nice one! I think this should be among the default templates that are part of the WB installation package.
Jurgen Nijhuis
Argos Media
Heiloo, The Netherlands
Please don't request personal support, use the forums!


Well done Harry! I'll use it to my friend site  :-D


Thanks. This is only a simple 3 column template with almost no graphics and may be useful for blogs or for slow connections.


This is very good. Specially to take is as a base and then further enhance  !

Congratulations Harry :)


Here's a lightweight, clean looking css template. I've seen a similar template somewhere but don't remember where. In any case this was made from scratch.

It has 3 columns and multiple blocks enabled. Make sure you have enabled "Section Blocks" from your admin area's advanced options and have selected the proper column in your "Manage Sections" page.

A working example

Harry G

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