WB and Internet Explorer 8.0


omg, i cant belive ie8 that sucks :))) they are really going down with it :))
Web developer


...:: Bake the Unbakable ::...



in my eyes it is, like it always is with ms-software. It's just an extended beta-test, isn't it?

Best regards

أنا لست إرهابيا. ليس لدى أي ورشة عمل القنبلة في الطابق السفلي. ليس لدى أي مرض الجمرة الخبيثة أيضا. أريد شراء لا مادة الريسين. أنا سوف ابدأ السفر إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية


hi Ruud...

Modify all our websites?  :-o Funny you  :-P

Personally I think that that MS had to get this 8.0 online asap because they saw their ass already burning with alternative browsers.

Besides that there's a "compability button on the browser if the website doesn't look right" in 8.0. Knowing this I think my first point is right: they had to hurry up and put some button with IE 7 settings behind it otherwise lots of websites look like crap in 8.0.

I think they will correct these in the near future. And like you said...they have to otherwise FF/Chrome and others will grow even faster...

Greetz from sunny Holland
...:: Bake the Unbakable ::...


You will have to test and modify all your sites for "IE8 standards mode" compatibility  :evil:

The quick and dirty way is to add
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" />
in your template(s).
With that, IE8 should act like it is IE7.

There is lots of stuff to read about this issue. Just google for a while :-)

My opinion? This will really help FF and Chrome.
Using IE8 half the world (wide web) will not be displayed correctly, so people will start looking for alternatives.


Note: The discussion is very valid, but remember this is NOT a WB issue. WB will just send out whatever you tell it to send (template).
This is about HTML/XHTML/CSS/Standards and their Interpretation (and microsoft IE5/IE6/IE7/IE8)

Edit #2:
Microsofts solution: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/968499/#Method5
Note that they tell you to put the meta-tag as the first one in the head section. It might not work if placed elsewhere.

[url=https://dev4me.com/modules-snippets/]Dev4me - WebsiteBaker modules[/url] - [url=https://wbhelp.org/]WBhelp.org[/url]



IE 8.0 will come in the next few days as a final version.

I checked several WB websites with 8.0 and I must say...there problems.

Simpleviewer does have big issues for instance. (I know it's a mod with external base)

And the admin is screwed up too.

Besides that I noticed lots of issues on websites who did came out clean on 7.0/FF/safari

Do we need to worrie? Or will IE 8.0 will develop itself any further so that it could match FF.

Any feedback pls  :lol:

...:: Bake the Unbakable ::...