I made Serbian translation


I will update it in a firs post when I manage to find better translations for things, first update... i


btw on main page in login module there is no translation for word as, you probbaly allready know that but... maybe this post help someone someday  :-D

<?php echo $TEXT['LOGGED_IN']; ?> as <?php echo $wb->get_display_name(); ?>

so I replaced it
<?php echo $TEXT['LOGGED_IN']; ?> <?php echo $TEXT['AS']; ?> <?php echo $wb->get_display_name(); ?>

and added in language file
$TEXT['AS'] = ' ';


I agree :) but I am still perfectionist  :-D
Web developer


The first module I used for translation had value for EOT and if I even didn't touch that field the script add ' ' after the save in line
so the php breaks

crnogorac is a perfectionist  :-D, my goal is to make it easy for my clients, to know where is add page delete modify remove news... and things like visibility and stuff... who neads to use that kind of stuff will have to learn a little bit of english :D



In my eyes the language strings in WB aren't that... Let's say "perfect". But I know changing them is absolutely no way in a minor version - that's a task for the major version, because having a real systematic way of using language variables would lead to rewriting all language files - and I think many or all modules.

The problem with the yet language string system: There are defines seen "from English language". They are sometimes huddled together from strings that aren't thought for it - but might fit for the English language. Even in the German one (well... most developers over the years spoke that language) there are yet quite strange combination of words that aren't that well.

In the end I don't know anything about Serbian or montenegrian languages, I'm afraid. The best would be in my eyes to translate as much as possible and mark all strings where a translation doesn't make sense / is impossible. Then the developers or even you can look where to optimize language strings - that's a task for the next WB major version.

A hint: When editing language files you always want to see what you edit, because you don't always know where you are and how it looks... Therefore the AddonFileEditor (and every WB module) isn't that good (well, you can use different browser tabs). I would suggest: Make a local installation (with XAMPP, WB portable or similar) on your PC or use a direct PHP editor that can edit files via FTP (if you have a hoster that let you do it... you know WB has here some "user right problems" on some configs). Then edit directly with your favourite PHP editor the language data - and you only have to refresh your browser page to see every change.

Yours Michael


Ja sam vec pokusavao da prevedem pa sam odustao, posto neke rijeci imaju visestruko znacenje.

Npr None - znaci nije, nista itd.. Pa npr kod podesavanja stranje imas: Vidljivost: nista ; Vezan za: nista .. mislim malo je glupo..

Takodje ako imas npr: Page - Strana i Code - Kod. , kad oni spajaju rijeci tipa $page.$code bas bezveze ispada..

Isto tako nasao sam da neke iste fraze koriste na vise mjesta, pa na engleskom je sve ok, dok na cg i rs na 2 mjesta npr ima smisla a na druga 2 nema veze s mozgom :))

Mislim tek kad malo prosetas backendom vidjeces o cemu pricam :)


Just wanted to explain junior college that I already tried to translate language file and I quit as our languages are so complex so some translations dont make sense. For example in english language Parent: none and visibility: none is ok, but when you translate it into montenegrian or serbian, the nearest translation is "nothing" and "is not" so in one case it will make sense and in other it will not :) Also it doesnt make sense when you join PAGE and CODE and there are more examples :) Also if you use same phrase for more different things there will be no sense for that translated phrase on some places..

just my thoughts :)

Web developer


YES thanks, that addon saved me :D well.. Im off to test... be back with final release



Sorry, I haven't looked yet, but consider using the AddonFileEditor http://www.websitebakers.com/pages/admin/admin-tools/addon-file-editor.php instead of the language editor...

Yours Michael


Please post the file ... so somebody can have a look.




I think this is the final version but we will see  :oops:

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