client with webdesign skills


Quote from: sare on January 14, 2010, 02:56:43 PM
When you thoroughly design two nice layouts for the client to choose from, do NOT throw in a third one that's supposed to be bad enough for the client to have some perspective on how good the first two are.
LOL I have had that once! Unbelievable!!

Funny article (and site)! Thanks for sharing, Irene. And it didn't even take the horrible tings into account clients can do with a WYSIWYG editor....  :cry:
Jurgen Nijhuis
Argos Media
Heiloo, The Netherlands
Please don't request personal support, use the forums!


That's hilarous. On that note, a recurring personal experience...

When you thoroughly design two nice layouts for the client to choose from, do NOT throw in a third one that's supposed to be bad enough for the client to have some perspective on how good the first two are.

I won't state the obvious result here.

And do remember to prep the sales person. Otherwise they'll happily steer the blind off the cliff.


Web developer


Hi guys,

I just had to share this link with you.
Be aware when your client is convinced of his  "webdesign skills"

kindr regards Irene
Kind regards,Irene