
Published WebsiteBaker Portable v10 PHP 8.1.7
2022-04-16 : read more about...




@Hans, you're welcome.

The h2 for example looks like this in sorurcecode using PCDTR Plugin/Filter
Quote<h2 class="pcdtr" style="margin: 0px;"><span id="pcdtr1">Frohes neues jahr 2010!</span></h2>
As you see, it's done only with CSS and the <h2> Tag stays intact, hence SEO Friendly.

That's right, all the methods have their pros & cons.
Thanks for the another link to sIFR. Doesn't know it.

There could be done a lot of filters for this Scripts to run on WebsiteBaker without problems.
I only prefer using scripts which are license compatible with WB itself, so it can be shared without consequences. ;-)

Best Regards,
[i]"Gemeinsam schafft man mehr."[/i]

1. mehreren Personen oder Dingen in gleicher Weise gehörend, eigen
2. in Gemeinschaft [unternommen, zu bewältigen]; zusammen, miteinander


Thanks John. Gonna try cIFR too; busy Sunday  :-D
Hans - Nijmegen - The Netherlands


Just look at the source of these pages using it, ie the source is what is used for SEO

In Cufon's case at the H1 tags are used with cufon and they stay intact, so seo friendly
Everything is done client side.

Next to the ones mentioned above there is cIFR ->
wich works simular

Each has its drawbacks and benefits. Just choose the one you like and can use at your project

[url=""][/url] = Dutch ICT info
[url=""][/url] = My first
both still work in progress, since years.....


YES! Works great! Thank you.
Thanks for the tip, gonna try that too.
One question though: I wonder what the impact is on SEO. AFAIK FontJazz leaves the H1 tag for the search-engines intact (they say so in the FAQ) What about both mentioned alternatives from Stefek and pcwacht?
Thank you both!
Hans - Nijmegen - The Netherlands


We are using CUFON on some sites ->
See for example, watch the H1 tags

Is easy enough to implement, though it changes to images.

[url=""][/url] = Dutch ICT info
[url=""][/url] = My first
both still work in progress, since years.....


Quote from: Hans on January 17, 2010, 12:02:42 PM
Hi Stefek
thanks for the reply. I think both have their pros and cons. As I prefer not to change the core (as is necessary to use the frontend filter) and because I'm not sure if the core replacement files are compatible with 2.8 (AMASP says it's for 2.7) I'll stick to FontJazz for the moment.
Thanks again
QuoteAs I prefer not to change the core (as is necessary to use the frontend filter)
This are only two files and those changes doesn't harm your WB installation in any way.

There should be a newer Version for 2.8 on developers site.

I am using the output filter on many pages. And with lots of filters.
One exemple is here: (Website still in Work)

[i]"Gemeinsam schafft man mehr."[/i]

1. mehreren Personen oder Dingen in gleicher Weise gehörend, eigen
2. in Gemeinschaft [unternommen, zu bewältigen]; zusammen, miteinander


Hi Stefek
thanks for the reply. I think both have their pros and cons. As I prefer not to change the core (as is necessary to use the frontend filter) and because I'm not sure if the core replacement files are compatible with 2.8 (AMASP says it's for 2.7) I'll stick to FontJazz for the moment.
Thanks again
Hans - Nijmegen - The Netherlands


Quote from: kweitzel on January 17, 2010, 01:29:16 AM
... but I always like the idea to "outsource" processing to client side
I see, but the PCDTR needs no JS enabled to run clientside.
That's an advantage.

Quote from: kweitzel on January 17, 2010, 01:29:16 AM
... And from what I've seen until now it seems a better option than plain image replacing especially since the script "transforms" the existing H1 tag instead of replacing it with an image.
The Transformation is given anyway. The H1 (and all Replacements) Tag will be replaced anyway - not on the fly, but also using CSS as a operating base.
The "on the Fly" replacement of PCDTR is only given at the first run. After the image is created, it will be saved to a folder and (lightweight png's) the next time they are called from the cache.
Another Advantage is, that you can use different fonts by just using the CSS File - as you would normally do for other CSS - just ensure you have the Font in the directory (use AFE i.e.) and go.

Quote from: Hans on January 17, 2010, 10:42:51 AM
I don't know about the license thing, but it would be nice if someone could make a frontend filter out of it.
The license doesn't inspire me to create such a filter...
I prefer to use the PCDTR Filter instead.
It's easy to set up and run.

Kind Regars,
[i]"Gemeinsam schafft man mehr."[/i]

1. mehreren Personen oder Dingen in gleicher Weise gehörend, eigen
2. in Gemeinschaft [unternommen, zu bewältigen]; zusammen, miteinander


Yes I did. I simply followed the instructions on the FontJazz website and it works a charme. Don't know however if it interferes with other scripts, because I tested on a clean installation only.
I don't know about the license thing, but it would be nice if someone could make a frontend filter out of it.

Hans - Nijmegen - The Netherlands


Hi Stefek,

thanks for the reminder, but I have to admit, that I knew them ... but I always like the idea to "outsource" processing to client side ... And from what I've seen until now it seems a better option than plain image replacing especially since the script "transforms" the existing H1 tag instead of replacing it with an image.




Nice one, but unfortunatly the license is a bit strange.
If it where a GPL or BSD License, I would make a Frontend Filter out of it.

There is such a thing allready:

And here the original script:
and the filter itself:,12243.msg75118.html#msg75118

It uses a bit different approach: it is using image replacement.
But you can use any kind of font (if you own the license).

[i]"Gemeinsam schafft man mehr."[/i]

1. mehreren Personen oder Dingen in gleicher Weise gehörend, eigen
2. in Gemeinschaft [unternommen, zu bewältigen]; zusammen, miteinander


Nice one ... have already a project for it ... have you used it already on a WB Site? If yes, would you share your implementation?




Non websafe fonts for the H1- tag, works great, easy to install en SEO friendly (see FAQ)
Maybe an addition to the well-know but not always compatible @font-face fonts
Hans - Nijmegen - The Netherlands