[Solved] Annoying 'bug' in Sudoslider


Yep...you pointed me in the right direction. Credits  :lol:

I attached the edited css file of the sudoslider. Hope this can be integrated in the next version to avoid this kind of nasty 'bugs' in the future.


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
...:: Bake the Unbakable ::...


Great ... so my idea wasn't quite wrong at the end. You should consider "offering" the fixed package.




Hi Klaus,

Thnq for taking the time to respond. Your idea didn't work though.

So I left the template for what it is and focussed me on the jquery and css files of the sudoslider. In the jquery files there were no things to change so next was the css file.

After some logical thinking I placed in the css file by every width the height too. (no height was set in the css file)
Saved it and....it works.

So because there was no "Height" set up in the css file the slider doesn't know what to do with all those images during loading. Simply place a height attribute next to every width in the css of the sudoslider and get rid of this 'bug'.

...:: Bake the Unbakable ::...


I think you could maybe get rid of this if you give the div around the slider a fixed height, the following div a white (or other colour) background and maybe it will "disappear" ...




My client too already complained about this bug. I'm not able to resolve it. Does anyone know how to avoid this?


...:: Bake the Unbakable ::...


Hi there,

After using the Sudoslider there is constantly an annoying bug.
Every time you load a new page for a short second all the images are lined up underneath each other before the Sudoslider does his job.

This is very irritating for visitors; every time they click a page they see all those images. This happens in FF and IE.

How to solve this?


...:: Bake the Unbakable ::...