A site I ported from Joomla


Did you use anything special for older browsers?  I used the same code, but had a few problems with older internet explorer


Hi mdemaree99,

it 's done with css3. You can find an explanation e.g. here: http://www.css3.info/preview/rounded-border/


أنا لست إرهابيا. ليس لدى أي ورشة عمل القنبلة في الطابق السفلي. ليس لدى أي مرض الجمرة الخبيثة أيضا. أريد شراء لا مادة الريسين. أنا سوف ابدأ السفر إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية


How did you round the corners?
Looks good in ie and firefox


Have you tried to make THE radius of THE round corners à lot smaller... That will make it lots classier



This site was created by a professional webdesigner using Joomla.

But the owner of the website was very displeased with joomla, so I ported the entire website to WB.

I also added a page footer, styled h1-h6, added hover effects to the menus and links, added a slideshow, a facebook likebox and a youtube video to the left column and added headings to the right column.

In the near future I'd like to add a dropdown menu for the second menu level, and I'm not yet satisfied with the colour of the footer, I think it's too bright.