My First design with WB for hotel in Siem Reap

Sokhim Sim

Dear Sir,

WB credit add, refer to booking code it not module, i got code from Fast Booking Engine.

Freelance Website Design in Cambodia.

Clients: [url=",24514.0.html"],24514.0.html[/url]



the site is really good, but please keep the wb credits to admin page.

Also, how did you make reservations module, can you post the code so others can use it too ?

Web developer


Hi simkamsan,

You removed the WebsiteBaker credits from the admin login page. This is a violation of the license terms and prohibited by law. (
Please restore both the WB credits and the license in the footer.


ps Besides that your site looks cool!

Sokhim Sim

Dear all friends,

Here is my first WB design for hotel in Cambodia.
Freelance Website Design in Cambodia.

Clients: [url=",24514.0.html"],24514.0.html[/url]