I am clearly incredibly dumb but...

david doc watson


Thank you so much, the semi-colon did the trick.

Thanks for the idea about the non-logged in user - in this case the page is within the 'client area' but your code will be really useful in the future.



Hmm, if variable is the right one i guess you forgot the ";" at the end  :-D


I would extend this a little bit.

if (isset($_SESSION['USERNAME'])) {return $_SESSION['USERNAME'];}
else {return 'Guest';}

As a session is only created if a user is logged in, you wil get an error messabe if the variable does not exist.

david doc watson

I want to create a simple Droplet and can't work out the Syntax.

I simply want to show the logged in user's name on the page. I've worked out that the variable I need is:
$_SESSION['USERNAME'].  But what exactly to I put into the drplete box?


or something else.
