Polish translation compatible with version 2.8.2.RC5


Quote from: Luisehahne on May 30, 2011, 06:02:22 AM
Many tks for the translation and the good work. Sorry, but we can't use them, because the languages files are not entities encoded. They have to be with entities to work right in the 2.8.x versions.

In 2.9.0.dev we will be going to find another solution.


I corrected the Polish translation (websidebaker / languages ​​/ pl.php). Encoding is already appropriate.
The official version websidebaker can replace the current file. I tested it and displays all characters correctly.

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Quote from: Luisehahne on May 30, 2011, 06:02:22 AM
Many tks for the translation and the good work. Sorry, but we can't use them, because the languages files are not entities encoded. They have to be with entities to work right in the 2.8.x versions.

In 2.9.0.dev we will be going to find another solution.


I reattach files translated by me, along with default WB2.8.2 PL translation file encoded with entities, and couple minor fixes.

btw. polish translations w/o special chars changed to entities were always working fine in WB.

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[size=1][url=http://www.wujitsu.pl]WuJitsu[/size] - [i]in web I trust[/i]  :cool:


Many tks for the translation and the good work. Sorry, but we can't use them, because the languages files are not entities encoded. They have to be with entities to work right in the 2.8.x versions.

In 2.9.0.dev we will be going to find another solution.

Note: Once the code has been generated, it is easy to debug. It's not a bug, it's a feature!


4 (pretty rough) additional translations from me:

Event Calendar 1.8b3
Topics 0.71
FolderGallery 1.31
Anynews 1.16a

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[size=1][url=http://www.wujitsu.pl]WuJitsu[/size] - [i]in web I trust[/i]  :cool:


FancyBraxBox (modules/FancyBraxBox/languages/PL.php)
FancyBraxBoxB (modules/FancyBraxBoxB/languages/PL.php)
VideoGallery (modules/videogal/languages/PL.php)

compatible with versions 2.8.1, 2.8.2 RC5.

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another translation...

pagecloner (modules/pagecloner/languages/PL.php)
concert 2.1.4 (modules/concert/languages/PL.php)
capslider-v0.1.2 (modules/capslider/languages/PL.php)

compatible with versions 2.8.1, 2.8.2 RC5.

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..and next translation

Captcha Control (modules/captcha_control/languages/PL.php)

and translation of the websidebaker (websidebaker/languages/PL.php) 
The previous version was not really translated and contained a few errors in translation.

All translations are compatible with versions 2.8.1, 2.8.2 RC5.
I have not tested with lower versions.

I added the files as attachments.

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Hi, I made Polish translation of the following modules:

News 3.5 (modules/news/languages/PL.php  and modules/news/comment_page.php)
Guestbook_2.8.5 (modules/guestbook/languages/PL.php)
Team 1.4 (modules/team/languages/PL.php  and modules/team/languages/help-PL.php)

All translations are compatible with versions 2.8.1, 2.8.2 RC5.
I have not tested with lower versions.

I added the files as attachments.

Thank you

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