

Two ideas

First one i thought of was to add a discountvalue in the item modifypage, save it to the database and then in both the view ovrview and the view item call the price and the discountvalue and do some math to process the new price

Works fine but as i now was making a sorting order selector it did not work well with discountprices...

I replaced the math-stuff into the save item page and made an extra db field for the dischountprice, saving either the discount price or the regular price in that field.

From that point I could call the price from the db and have the sort option working well

I guess this is rather unclear and hard to understand and this is more an anouncement that things are happening in the shopping-part of the system than a question ...

Next up is to add some datefields to set the start and end of the discount, that might be something i need help with....